Chapter 9 - Wednesday

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With the party for Magnus only two days away, Alec could not contain his excitement. He was hoping he wouldn't accidentally divulge the party to Magnus later that day at work. He actually set his alarm for eight instead of his usual eight thirty because he was that pumped to be working with Magnus. For some reason, he felt like Izzy could sense how excited he was, and maybe she would find a way to get him and Magnus together.
Alec didn't worry about that, though. Isabelle was smart, but she often stuffed up when it came to plans. He doubted she would have the resources to pull off a stunt like that. He reassured himself that he had noting to worry about as he got up out of the bed and walked over to his closet.
He looked through the entire closet, but his Taki's uniform was no where in sight. Sighing, he walked out of his room and went into Isabelle's. She was talking on the phone to Simon.
"Yeah, I can't wait! I feel like I haven't seen you for ages!."
Alec could hear a muffled reply through the telephone.
"I love you too, Simon," Izzy said before hanging up. She looked over at Alec.
"Can I help you?"
"Did you steal my uniform?" Alec asked.
Izzy grinned. "I may have hid it somewhere," Izzy agreed.
"Where did you put it, Iz?"
She imitated zipping her lips shut. Sighing, Alec left the room. Guess he would have to find his uniform.

After looking everywhere, he finally found his uniform on the bottom shelf of the pantry. As much as Alec hated to admit it, Izzy was quite smart, putting the clothes on the lowest shelf of the pantry. Due to Alec's height and Izzy's lack of heels, she would not have been able to reach high enough. Maybe Alec should have given Izzy more credit, but he picked up the uniform and trudged upstairs instead, closing the door of his room behind him.

Fully dressed and ready, Alec went downstairs. His shift was in twenty minutes, and it only took Alec ten minutes to drive to Taki's, so he went into the kitchen and found his mother.
"Hi mum," he said. She looked up at him from the stove. She was cooking a stir fry.
"Is that for tonight," he asked. She nodded.
"I haven't cooked dinner for you all in a while. And I know how Izzy cooks," she said. "So I thought I should make you kids some dinner for a change,
"Does this have anything to do with Dad complaining about the lack of home made food?" Alec asked.
"No," Maryse replied, a little too quickly.
Alec raised his eyebrows.
"Okay, maybe a little," she said. "But I'm sure you guys will enjoy it as much as I know he will," she replied, smiling.
Alec knew his mother meant well, but sometimes he thought his dad was often controlling towards Maryse. Alec walked up to his mother and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "See you later, Mum."
He left the house and walked towards his car.

Pulling up to Taki's, Alec took in the front of the shop. It was the same as any other shop, except for the sign that said "All Species Accepted." Alec remembered how Magnus mentioned that sign and they had both laughed about it.
     Alec opened the front door, and walked over towards the kitchen. "Hey Kaelie," he said. Kaelie turned to smile at him.
"Hey Alec! We're ready for you up the back," she said. Alec went around the counter and to the back of the shop. He knew Magnus started an hour ago, so he kept his eye out for him.
Alec turned around and saw Magnus. He looked quite ordinary in his uniform, and he was not wearing any makeup and his hair was lacking his usual glitter.
     "I see you ditched the glitter," Alec observed.
"I showed up with some in my hair, but the boss made me take it out incase it got in the food or on any of the customers," Magnus said.
Alec laughed. "Sounds like you had a great start to your first shift," Alec said. He grinned as he started walking towards the back. He was working in storage today, sorting out the arriving ingredients and placing them accordingly. He often had to go into the giant fridge and freezer up the back, but he never really enjoyed it that much. He was always afraid he would somehow get locked in and wouldn't be able to get out.
     "Hey Jordan," Alec said.
Jordan waved and walked over to Alec. "You ready to freeze our butts off?" he asked. Alec grinned. "Wouldn't have it any other way." Except maybe working with Magnus. "Shall we start?" Alec asked.
Jordan nodded as the boys went out the back entrance and towards the truck where all the deliveries were. Alec grabbed a box full of meat patties and walked back into the shop.
     Walking into the freezer, he laid the box down on the lowest shelf and exited to bring in more boxes. After an hour, all of the boxes were unloaded and in their correct spots.
"Job well done," Jordan said, taking a seat on the floor.
"Eww," Alec exclaimed. "Do you even know where that floor has been?"
Jordan shrugged. "I just wanted to sit," he had said, but stood up nonetheless.
     "Have you met the new guy that's working here?" Jordan asked. "He showed up with glitter in his hair this morning."
"Magnus?" Alec asked.
"I think that was his name," Jordan replied, furrowing his eyebrows.
"Yeah, his name is Magnus," Alec clarified, and Jordan asked:
"So, you know him?"
Alec nodded. "I was the one who recommended him here."
     Realisation dawned on Jordan's once straight face. "Oh, that's how you know him."
Alec felt like face palming. "I never told you how I knew him, Jordan."
Jordan laughed. "Okay, how do you know him?"
"My dad and his dad work together now," Alec said.
"Oh, right. That makes sense," Jordan said, but was cut off when the boss, Catarina, walked in.
     "Having a conversation, are we?" she asked. The smiles disappeared from Alec and Jordan's faces.
"Well, shut up and get back to work," she said, turning to Alec. "Alec, we need you up front."
Alec got up and followed Catarina to the front of the store, where he saw Magnus standing near the cash register.
     "Alec," she began, "since you were the one who recommended Magnus to me, you shall be the one to teach him how to work the cash register."
Alec shrugged. "Simple enough," he said, approaching Magnus and tapping him lightly on the shoulder.
"Hey," Magnus said. "I thought you were working up back?"
     "I was, but Catarina wants me to teach you how to use the cash register," Alec clarified.
Magnus nodded and turned towards the cash register. "This one is so different to the one at my old workplace," he said. Alec grinned.
"Actually, we ordered one of the most simple ones we could find," Alec said. "Normally we have the beginners up the front, but since you are a cashier, they're making an exception."
     Magnus nodded. "So, how do you do it?" Magnus asked.
Alec pointed to the large button at the bottom left corner. "That button opens the money drawer," Alec began, "and the words are obviously the name's of the products we have for sale."
Magnus nodded. "Alright, I've got it so far."
Alec continued. "What ever they order, you push the button for it, and it will automatically come up with the price. You will need to keep up with different specials because you have to enter those manually by deducting what ever the discount is from the original price."
     "The receipts print out from underneath the table, here," Alec said, pointing to a small printing machine. "And if someone wants to pay with their credit card, you can turn the pin pad so it faces them, but you need to talk them through it if they need help."
Magnus nodded. "It's the same one we had at my old shop, so I know how to use it."
Alec smiled. "You're all set then."
     "Could you just, demonstrate it to me?" Magnus asked. Alec looked taken aback, but agreed to do so, anyway. On cue, a customer walked in and approached the register.
"How can I help you today?" Alec asked the lady. She observed the menu before placing her order.
"Could I please get a large fries with tomato sauce, and a can of coke, please?"
Magnus watched as Alec did his job. The total came to five dollars and eighty cents, so the lady gave it to him and went and sat at a table to wait.
     "You make it look so simple," Magnus said.
Alec shrugged. "This is only my fourth time doing it, actually," Alec said.
"You're a natural," Magnus replied. The lady's order was passed to Alec, who took it and handed it to the lady. She left, taking her food and the receipt with her.
     "Well, I better learn fast," Magnus said' "because another customer just walked through the door."

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