Chapter 17 - Invitations

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I can't believe my story is so popular and that you all enjoy it! Some drama will come in the following chapters, so be prepared...

Also, don't forget to leave me suggestions for the story! I'm always open to new ideas!

Alec answered the door to find Isabelle standing at it. She ran into his arms, hugging him. He hugged her back.
"Alec! I haven't seen you in ages!"
"Hey, Iz," said Alec. "It's nice to see you, too."
     She let go of Alec and walked into the apartment.
"How's life at home?" Alec asked.
"Oh," Alec said, frowning. "Why?"
     "Dad won't stop going on about you," Izzy said. "And Jace snapped at him last night and now he's grounded, and all he wants to do is get out of the house and away from Dad."
"I can see why," said Alec.
     "We all miss you, Alec."
"Dad doesn't."
"Who gives a crap what Dad does. We want you back. Even mum."
Alec sighed. "I can't go back, Iz."
"I know," she said, tears welling up in her eyes. "And I hate it."
Tears spilled down her face as Alec pulled her into a tight hug.
     "It's going to be alright," Alec said comfortingly.
"It's not. Dad didn't even like me coming to visit you," Izzy sobbed.
"And yet you came anyway."
"Of course I did!" Izzy said. "What kind of sister would I be if I didn't come?"
     Alec kissed Izzy's black hair. It was soft. "It doesn't matter," Alec said. "Just, don't let him control you, okay?"
"Okay." She wiped her tears.
"Do you want a tissue?" asked Alec.
She shook her head. "It's okay, I don't need one."
     Izzy looked towards the floor, then back up at Alec. She refused to look him in the eye.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Alec asked.
"I'm fine," Izzy said.
"We could go out and get some ice cream, if you'd like."
Izzy smiled. It was full of pain, but it was a true smile. "I'd love that."

Alec quickly scribbled a note for Magnus saying he was with Isabelle, and left, walking towards his car. Isabelle had walked all the way here.
     "So, are you and Magnus going good?"
"Yeah," Alec said. "Better then I would have expected."
"Don't say that! You two are absolutely perfect for eachother!"
Alec grinned. Izzy had lost any of the sadness she was expressing before. Now she was full of life. Happy, bubbly life.
"How about you and Simon?"
"Were great! We went out on a date last night!"
"Where?" Alec asked.
"Ice skating," Izzy said. "Simon fell over and it was the cutest thing ever."
"Your boyfriend falling over was cute?" Alec asked, one eyebrow raised.
"It was adorable, and he was all flustered after that."
Alec looked back in previous moments when he was flustered around Magnus, and how Magnus would always tell him how adorable he was afterwards. Most likely it was the same deal for Izzy last night.
"You and Magnus should go ice skating one time," she said. "You're good at it, and it would be so much fun!"
"I'll think about it," Alec said. Right now, he was focusing on his sister.
They pulled up into the ice cream shop's car park.
"I'll pay," Alec said.
"Fine, but next time it's on me."

They ordered their ice creams and sat out the front of the store, eating quietly. Finally, Izzy broke the silence.
     "I forgot to ask you earlier, but it's thanksgiving soon, and, um. Mum and Dad have invited you over for Thanksgiving dinner."
"Mum and Dad?" Alec asked.
"Yes," Isabelle said.
"I'm not sure I should go..."
"Oh, come on!" Izzy said. "At least give it a try!"
"I'll think about it."
"You think about everything, Alexander. JUST DO IT!" Izzy said.
"Are you quoting Shia LaBeouf ?"
Alec laughed.

Magnus was home when Alec returned.
"Have fun with Isabelle?" he asked.
"Yeah, we went out for some ice cream."
"Alright," Magnus said.
"I was thinking. For our next date, we could go ice skating."
"Okay, but I'm warning you. I'm not very good on the ice."
"I can teach you a few points," Alec said.
"You can skate?"
"I guess you will have to teach me then," Magnus said, grinning.
"So, what's for dinner tonight?" Alec asked.
"We can make pizza?"
"Sounds good," Alec said.
"Oh, by the way," began Alec. "I've been invited back home for thanksgiving dinner. Do you think I should go?"
Magnus frowned in thought. "I guess you should. I mean, it might give you a chance to straighten things out with your dad."
"I hope so," Alec said. "I don't want world war three starting at my house, though."
"I'm sure it will be fine," Magnus said. "I would come, but I don't think I've been invited."
"I doubt it," Alec said.

Alec had decided that he would go to the thanksgiving dinner. It was a long shot, but it could be successful. He could make things right with his dad, and things would go back to normal.
"What are you thinking about?" Magnus asked.
"Nothing," Alec said, a little too quickly.
"Alec, I know when you lie," Magnus said.
"Alright. I was thinking about going. What's going to happen at thanksgiving?"
"You're going?" Magnus asked.
"Wonderful! I can help pick your outfit!"
"Magnus," Alec said. "What if things don't go right?"
"Then I will be here to comfort you," Magnus said. "I'm not going anywhere. Not for a long time."
Alec smiled.
"Thanks Mags."
"I'll always be here for you, Alexander. No matter what."

Later that night, Alec dreamt.

"Alec! How nice of you to come!" said Maryse. She pulled him into a tight hug.
"Alec!" Izzy said. "You decided to come!"
"Of course I did. What kind of brother would I be if I didn't."
"Buddy," Jace said, slapping Alec on the shoulder lovingly. "I didn't think you would be coming."
"I can't leave my family on thanksgiving," Alec said. "Where's Dad."
"Not in a good place," Maryse said. "He still refuses to get over you."
"And you've gotten over me?"
"Of course I have! You're my son, and I don't care whether you're gay, or bisexual, or straight. You will always be my baby boy."
Alec smiled. "Thanks mum."
He followed everyone into the kitchen. Dad was standing by the stove, watching the microwave intently. It wasn't even in operation.
"Dad, Alec's here," Izzy said cautiously.
"I'm aware," was all he said.
Maryse sighed. "Well, dinner's ready."
They all sat at the table, including Robert. He seemed to be looking everywhere except at his son.
"Dig in, everyone," said Maryse.
Everyone started eating, all except for Robert.
"Dad," Alec asked. "Are you okay?"
He shook his head. "No, I'm not okay."
Alec prepared himself for the verbal blows, but it never came.
"I miss you, Alec."
Izzy let out a squeak of surprise and Jace choked on his food. Alec was too stunned to even move.
"I can't ever forgive myself for what I've done to you, Alec," said Robert. "It's unforgivable. I shouldn't have been so harsh, and well..."
Alec didn't need any more explanations. He went over to his dad and hugged him.

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