Chapter 7 - Plan in Action

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Alec unlocked the front door of his house and stepped inside, carrying his two bags of clothing. He went up to his room, dumped the clothes and his car keys in his bed and went downstairs and into the kitchen.
    Maryse was in the kitchen, talking to Jace. "Did Alec tell you where he was going?" Maryse asked.
"I already told you, I don't know where Alec is," Jace said.
Alec spoke up. "I'm right here."
     Jace and Maryse turned to look at Alec.
"Where have you been?" Maryse asked.
"Shopping," Alec said.
"We've been trying to call you for the past thirty minutes!" Maryse exclaimed.
     Alec pulled his phone out of his pocket and held it up so Jace and Maryse could see. "Dead," he explained.
Maryse rolled her eyes.
"At least your back now," she said. "Dad's had something come up, so he has to go to Australia until Friday," Maryse announced.
     "Okay," Alec said. Robert went on business trips so many times that Alec was used to it by now.
"Alright, as long as your fine with that," Maryse said. She left the kitchen, taking her car keys with her.
     "Where do you suppose she's going?" Jace asked.
Alec shrugged. "Who knows. Well, we have the house to ourselves."
"Again," Jace said, rolling his eyes. "We almost never do anything as a family anymore."
     "I know. It's been different since Max died," Alec said, leaving the kitchen. He was in no mood to start talking about Max.

The next day, Robert left for Australia. There weren't many goodbye's so Alec had a conversation with Izzy.
"So," Izzy started. "What were you doing yesterday?"
"Shopping," Alec replied.
Izzy gave him a questioning look.
"You never go shopping for more than an hour. You were gone for three."
Alec shrugged. "I saw someone, okay?"
Izzy noticed Alec's cheeks were turning slightly red.
"Oh my goodness, Alec!" she shouted. "Magnus was there?"
Alec sighed. "Yes, Magnus was there. So what?"
Izzy opened her mouth in surprise.
"So what? Seriously?"
Alec shrugged. "You know I'm not good at comebacks."
Izzy rolled her eyes. "I know, doofus."
Alec laughed before Isabelle continued.
"Did you go shopping with him?" Izzy asked. "Did you go out for a drink? Did you exchange phone numbers?"
Izzy was practically jumping around on the balls of her feet with excitement.
Alec's face turned to confusion.
"Were you stalking me?"
Isabelle shook her head before realising.
"Wait," said Isabelle. "You went shopping, got a drink with him and exchanged phone numbers?"
Alec nodded.
Alec winced at how loud Izzy's voice went.
"Because this is how you would have reacted," said Alec.
Isabelle grinned. "Have you teeeexted him yet?"
"No, not yet."
Alec was about to reply, but Jace barged into the room.
"Guys, I was napping. Can't you keep it down? I'm going to a party with Clary tonight!" Jace's golden hair was ruffled, and it looked tangled. "I need my energy!" He said, storming out of the room.
"Alec, you need to text him," Izzy said.
"Alright, fine," Alec gave in. He pulled his phone out and opened a new message to glitterkitty. Alec tried to suppress a smile when he read the contact name, but failed. Izzy grabbed his phone and stared.
Alec shrugged. "He said he likes glitter and cats."
Isabelle laughed before handing him his phone back. He took it and began his message.

Hey Magnus. Hope your day's going good. Here are the details for Taki's:
15 shuckleberry street, Manhattan.
They are open twenty four hours, so you can go whenever you have the chance.

"Let me see before you send it," Izzy said. Alec hesitantly showed her the phone. She read the message, frowning.
"It's too formal," she decided. "Instead you should write 'hey' instead of 'hey Magnus'."
Izzy paused before continuing.
"And at the end of it, you should write something quirky like 'stop by tomorrow, I'll be working there'."
Alec took his phone back and did what Izzy suggested. Happy with the message, he sent it and put his phone back in his pocket. It was reasonably new, due to Jace breaking his old one.
"So, he's gonna get a job at Taki's?" Izzy asked.
"Yeah. He was having trouble getting a job, and Taki's accepts pretty much everyone."
Izzy nodded and walked off. Somehow, she needed to get Alec and Magnus to go on a date, and she had the perfect plan. Phase two was going into action.

Alec checked his phone, hoping the message notification was from Magnus. Turns out, it was. He opened the message and read it.
It said:
Hey! Thanks for all the details! Turns out I can stop by tomorrow, see you there?

Alec grinned. Izzy's suggestions were actually good ones.
Replying, he wrote:
Yeah, see you there.

He sent the message and put his phone on charge, heading back down the stairs. He saw Izzy sitting at the kitchen table, writing something on her phone.
"What are you doing?" Alec asked.
Izzy looked up, her eyes widening, and shut her phone off frantically. "Nothing."
Alec raised an eyebrow. "If you say so..."
Alec left the kitchen and crashed onto the couch, so Izzy pulled her phone out again. She opened notes and continued writing out her plan. She was quite proud of what she had so far.
She wrote down the next sentence.
Make sure Alec and Magnus get to the date venue separately.

Izzy was feeling extra devious, so she made the plan where she would organise a picnic between Alec and Magnus by tricking them. She planned to somehow get Magnus to the picnic spot, and then tell Alec to go to that same place as well.
It was risky, but Izzy believed she could pull it off. If it did work, Alec could get a boyfriend, and that was something to look forward to. Besides, Robert had said Magnus and Asmodeus would be coming over on Monday, which was the perfect opportunity to begin her plan.

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