Chapter 22 - Christmas

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Hey guys!! So, as you can see, I included a video at the top. It's a video I made, and it is on my YouTube channel Malec is Life, so go check it out!!! Enjoy the story!

Alec looked over at Magnus. He was sleeping, his head resting on his arm. A smile creeped onto Alec's face. Even though he couldn't see his family for Christmas (which was only two days away), he had Magnus, and things between them had been great over the last few days.
Magnus woke up and Alec smiled.
"Morning," Alec said.
"Morning," Magnus groaned. He yawned, stretching his arms out wide. He winced.
"I slept on my arm funny," Magnus said.
"I know."
Magnus smiled despite his stiff arm.
"Christmas Eve is tomorrow," Magnus said.
Alec grinned. "I know. I have to go out and buy your presents today!"
"Shit, I completely forgot about that! I'll need to get your yours, too," Magnus explained.
"Then, we should go."
"Let me eat something first, I'm starving," Magnus said, getting out of bed gracefully. Alec followed, but not as gracefully.
"I need coffee," Alec said. He went over to the kettle, boiled it, and started making his coffee.
"I don't need coffee," Magnus said, moving next to Alec and making a coffee. "I want one."
"Fair enough," Alec said. He sipped his coffee and smacked his lips.
"It's good?" Magnus asked.
"Yes? I'll have to take your word for it," Magnus said. Two days ago, Alec had brought home this new coffee, and it was the first time either of them were drinking it.
Magnus sipped his coffee. "Yep, it's good."
Alec smiled. "See, I have good taste."
"I've always known that, Alec."

After breakfast, Alec and Magnus decided to walk to the shops.
"Remember, no peeking at what the other is buying," Alec said.
"Yes, I know," Magnus said. "You've already said that so many times!"
"Just reminding you," Alec said with a grin.

In the end, the two of them had split up. Alec walked into a store that was selling different types of exotic clothing, which was perfect for Magnus.
In the end, he bought a tuxedo jacket that had maroon and black stripes on it. He also bought a pair of pants that were similar to the tuxedo, but in gold instead of maroon. He also bought a bath robe that was black with hints of metallic blue in it, that only showed up in the light.
He bought some black nail polish and black eyeliner with silver glitter from a separate shop. Overall, Alec was happy with the gifts he had bought for Magnus.
He bought cheesy Christmas wrapping paper and some tape, and sat at a table and started wrapping the presents. There was no way he was going to let Magnus see what he bought.

Magnus was looking through different shops, struggling to find something to buy for Alec.
He looked at a rack full of scarves, and found a blue one that matched Alec's eyes. He held onto it, almost sighing in relief because he found something he wanted to buy Alec.
Magnus paid for the scarf and left that shop, making his way to a book store. He searched through the shelves until he found what he was looking for: the complete collection of the Harry Potter books.
Magnus bought them and some wrapping paper, and set to work wrapping the gifts. He wanted to make sure the presents were hidden, so Alec could get a surprise.

Magnus and Alec met up again at the apartment, carrying bags full of wrapped presents.
"Well," Magnus said. "I'd say that's a good shopping day."
"Yeah," Alec said. "I was pretty ecstatic that I managed to find things you might like."
"Same," Magnus said. "I hope you like them, anyway."
"I hope you do too."
They smiled as they drove back to the apartment. Upon entering, they put the presents underneath the tree.
"We finally have Christmas going on here," Alec said.
"Yep. Let's just say, I think Christmas will be great this year."

Christmas Eve came around, and Alec and Magnus were watching a movie before going to bed.
"This movie is so lame," Alec said.
"I agree," Magnus said.
They were watching The Polar Express.
"Little kids must be enjoying this," Magnus said.
"Oh well," Alec said. "Could be worse. We could be watching something really, really, really boring."

Once the movie finished, Alec and Magnus climbed into bed.
"So, have you been naughty, or nice?" Magnus asked as they lay in bed.
"I don't believe in Santa anymore," Alec said. "I haven't since I was nine."
"Shh, Santa will hear you," Magnus whispered.
Alec laughed.

Magnus opened his eyes. The sun was shining, yet it was snowing lightly outside. He glanced over at Alec. He was facing outwards, but he was clearly awake.
"Merry Christmas," Magnus said.
"Merry Christmas," Alec replied, turning over to look at Magnus.
"So, the agenda for today?" Alec asked.
"Breakfast and presents?" Magnus suggested.
"Sounds good," Alec said.
They got out of bed and walked into the kitchen, where Magnus started making bacon and eggs while Alec made the coffee.
"So," Alec said. "Are you going to be, spending any time with your dad?"
"Nah," Magnus said. "I rang him earlier this morning."
"Okay," Alec said.
With breakfast ready, Alec and Magnus took it out to the dining table where they sat and ate their food. Magnus turned the radio on, and turned it down abruptly as a huge boom of All I Want For Christmas is You came through the speakers.
"Well, the song isn't lying," Magnus said.
"Ha," Alec said. "I guess your right."
He leaned into Magnus for a kiss, and Magnus accepted. They held onto each other gently as they kissed, and once they broke apart, they had their breakfast.
     "You never answered my question from last night," Magnus said.
"What question?"
"Have you been naughty or nice?" Magnus asked.
"I told you last night, I haven't believed in Santa since I was nine."
"Well maybe you should," said Magnus. He grinned and Alec raised his eyebrow.
     "Is there something you're not telling me?" Alec said.
"Come here," Magnus grinned, standing up and walking over to the Christmas tree. Alec followed.
"Look under the tree," Magnus said.
Alec sighed and looked under the tree.
     He gasped in surprise. Under the tree were presents, but they were from Izzy and Jace.
"So, have you been naughty or nice?" Magnus asked again. Alec could hear the smile in his voice.
     "How?" Alec asked. He looked at Magnus. "How did you do this?"
"I may or may not have looked in your phone and found Izzy's phone number, so I put it in my phone and rang her."
"You set all this up for me," Alec said.
"Of course I did. Merry Christmas Alec," Magnus smiled, picking up a present and handing it to him. It was from Jace.
     Alec opened the present. Inside was a leather jacket, similar to Jace's. There was a note that read:
You always look good in one of these.
Alec smiled. If he weren't still wearing his pyjamas, he would put the jacket on right then and there.
     Magnus handed him another present that was from Izzy.
It was a gold frame with a picture of Izzy, Jace and Alec all lying in the snow. He remembered that photo, it was taken last year after Christmas.
     Tears shone in Alec's eyes.
"What's wrong?" Magnus asked.
"Nothing," Alec said. "I'm just, thank you for doing this, Magnus."
"Your welcome, Alexander."
     Alec smiled. "Here, open one of mine," Alec said. He picked up the wrapped bath robe and handed it to Magnus. He smiled, unwrapped the present, and his smile grew even wider.
     "Oh! You remembered that I needed a new bathrobe!" Magnus exclaimed. "And the metallic highlights are so cool!"
"I'm glad you like it."
"Open one of mine," Magnus said. He handed Alec a squishy package. He opened it and found a brilliant blue scarf.
"To match your eyes," Magnus said.
"It's so nice," Alec said. He put it around his neck. It was warm.
"Open one of mine," Alec said.
He handed Magnus the package that had the pants and jacket.
Magnus tore it open, and grinned when he saw what was inside.
     "I guess we both have new fancy clothes this Christmas," Magnus announced. He handed another present to Alec.
     "It's heavy," Alec said, as if it weren't the most obvious thing in the world.
"Open it," Magnus said eagerly.
"Alright." Alec opened the present and almost squeaked in surprise. Magnus chuckled.
"You did not buy me the entire Harry Potter book collection."
"I did," Magnus said. "Do you like all your presents?"
"They're amazing!" Alec exclaimed, kissing Magnus lovingly. "I have one more for you."
     Alec passed the last present under the tree to Magnus, who smiled while he was opening it.
"Oh, Alec. Thank you!" Magnus said. He pulled out the black nail polish and glitter eyeliner. Magnus grinned. "This is like, exactly what I needed."
"You're welcome," Alec said. He smiled with Magnus and pulled him closer when Magnus leant in for a kiss.
     "Merry Christmas, Alec."
"Merry Christmas Magnus."

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