Chapter 15 - New Home

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Alec and Magnus arrived at the apartment later that evening. They had stopped to finish dinner at Taki's.
"Thanks for letting me stay here," Alec said.
"What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't let you stay here after what just happened."
Alec frowned. "I hated you having to see me like that. I'm sorry," he said after a while.
"I'm sorry too. If I had known something like that was going to happen, I would have never encouraged it."
"It's okay," Alec said. "You didn't know what would happen any more than I did."
Magnus shrugged. "Well, at least he didn't ask if you liked anyone. That could have turned out even worse."
"Yeah," Alec said, frowning again. Magnus noticed Alec's eyes welling up with tears, so he jumped to the first solution that would cheer his boyfriend up.
"You know, we could watch the fourth Harry Potter movie before bed..."
Alec grinned. "When do we start?"

Two movies later, the two boys climbed into bed. There was only one bed at the apartment, so they had to share, not that either of them cared.
"Goodnight, Magnus," Alec said.
"You can't sleep this soon!" Magnus exclaimed. "It's our first night together!"
"I'm not really in the mood," Alec said.
"Whatever for you, Alexander," Magnus said, and they both fell asleep.

Magnus woke up the next morning to see a sleeping Alec laying next to him. He looked so innocent when he slept. His face soft and devoid of emotion, slight snores escaping his lips, and ruffled hair. Magnus fought the urge to kiss his boyfriend as he lay awake in bed, waiting for Alec to stir.
Finally, Alec showed signs of waking. He opened his eyes and looked at Magnus, groaned, and blinked three times. "Morning," he said.
"Morning, sunshine," Magnus grinned, flicking a stray piece of hair out of Alec's eyes.
"What time is it?" Alec asked.
"Eight in the morning."
Alec groaned and rolled over.
"Why the groans?" Magnus questioned.
"It's too early, and I'm tired," he replied, his voice muffled by the pillow.
"Okay, if I go out and get some breakfast, will you be okay here on your own?" Magnus asked.
Alec murmured an agreement. It was like looking after a two year old. Magnus was enjoying it.
He got out of bed and left the apartment, locking the door behind him.
Back in the apartment, Alec was tossing and turning.
"Ugh, this is impossible," he whined to himself. He was struggling to get a comfortable position, and he couldn't stop smelling Magnus's scent in the bed.
"Erm," he groaned, fixing his position once more. Finally, he gave up, staying on his back until Magnus came back into the bedroom and kissed his forehead. He woke, and looked up at the joyous man standing above him.
"I brought back bagels," Magnus announced, lifting up a brown paper bag. Alec groaned once again and sat up, rubbing his eyes. Finally, he stood up, following Magnus out of the room.
Alec and Magnus sat at the table, eating their bagels in silence. It wasn't uncomfortable, just quiet.
"Good?" Magnus asked.
Alec nodded, taking another bite of his bagel. He looked at his coffee before taking a sip of that too.
"So," Magnus said. "Wanna do anything today?"
"Sure," Alec said. "What?"
"I was hoping you would know."
"We could... go to the supermarket?"
"Sure," Magnus said. "And maybe to the cinemas?"
"More Harry Potter?" Alec asked.
Magnus grinned. "Even better!"
After breakfast, they set out to the supermarket, where they bought whatever they felt like they needed. Alec insisted on paying half, and Magnus finally agreed after a long five minute debate. They crashed on the couch at the apartment once all the groceries were unloaded.
"Order of the Phoenix?" Magnus offered.
"Yup," Alec replied.
Alec went to get the popcorn they had bought while Magnus set the movie up. They sat on the couch together, body's touching, as they watched the fifth Harry Potter movie. They were so close to finishing the franchise, and Alec couldn't wait.
"I can't believe I am actually enjoying these movies," Alec said.
"Remember, always let your inner geekiness show," Magnus said. "Plus, I think it's adorable, how much you love it and all."
Alec's cheeks turned red, and Magnus saw this as an opportunity to kiss his boyfriend on the cheek. This resulted in Alec blushing even more.
"God, you're so cute," Magnus said.
"Thanks, I guess," Alec said. "You're uh, cute too?"
Magnus laughed. "And there is that cuteness I love so much."
They were silent for the remainder of the movie.

The movie finished, which resulted with Alec and Magnus in a passionate embrace. They were kissing, and holding onto each other tightly. Alec felt like his entire body was relaxed, even though they were holding on so tight. It always felt this way with Magnus, as if no matter how hard you grip, it never hurts.
     Magnus would occasionally break off the kiss to deliver compliments to Alec, which made him love Magnus even more; how much Magnus cared about Alec, and vice versa.
     Magnus and Alec broke apart when there was a knock on the door.
"And who is that?" Alec asked.
"Not sure," replied Magnus, moving to the front door of the apartment. He opened the front door and saw his neighbour's daughter. He knew she was part of girls scouts, so he didn't have to think twice before knowing what she was there for.
     "Cookies?" she asked.
"I'd love some," Magnus said. "Let me go get some money."
He trudged back into the living room to grab his wallet.
"Girl scouts?" questioned Alec.
"Yeah, she also lives down the hall."
     Magnus went back to the door where his neighbour was standing.
"Which ones would you like?" she asked.
"Surprise me," Magnus said.
She grinned and pulled out his favourite: triple chocolate chip.
"Oh, you always know exactly what to get me!" Magnus said, taking the box of cookies and giving her the money.
     She smiled. "Bye Magnus!"
"Bye, Madzie." He closed the door behind her.
"She sounds cute," Alec said from the couch.
"She is," Magnus replied. "But not as cute as you."
Alec blushed.
"Cookie?" Magnus offered.
     The box of cookies were almost empty by the time Magnus and Alec had had enough to eat.
"We won't be needing dinner for a while," Magnus said.
"You think?" Alec grinned. It was one of the cutest things Magnus had ever seen.

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