Chapter 23 - New Years Surprises

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This video I added is one I found on YouTube, it's not mine like the other one was.

Alec entered the apartment, snow littering his hair.
"How was your shift?" asked Magnus. He was reading the newspaper.
"Horrible," Alec said. "Taki's heater broke, so it was cold the entire time."
"Wow, what a wonderful Christmas present."
It was Boxing Day, and Alec had a shift, but he was being paid double.
"I can't wait for winter to be over," Alec said, taking off his new blue scarf and wiping the snow off his black hair.
"I'm glad you're wearing your new scarf," Magnus said.
"It's nice," Alec replied.
Alec smiled. "New Years is six days away," Alec said.
"I know," Magnus answered. "Want to do anything special?"
"If you want to."
"Let's go out for dinner then. Just you and me," Magnus said.
"Who else would we go with?"
"I don't know. Yogi Bear?"
Alec laughed. "You are so weird."
"I know, sweet pea."

It was New Year's Eve, and Alec woke up tired.
"Didn't sleep well?" Magnus asked.
"No. I kept waking up."
"You should try and sleep some more now," Magnus offered.
"I'll try," Alec said. "Don't exactly know if I'll be able to."
"I'm sure you will. Just, think of me and try to sleep."
Alec laughed. "Okay."

In the end, Alec did fall asleep, but not for long. He dreamt about Christmas, and how wonderful it was that Magnus had contacted Izzy and Jace.
     He woke up an hour and a half later. He could have slept for longer, if it wasn't for the fact that an orange tabby cat was pawing gently at his face.
     He jumped, his eyes staring down the cat.
"How on earth did you get in here?" Alec said, calming down after the initial shock.
The cat meowed and stretched out on the blanket beside Alec, yawning and falling asleep.
     "Magnus!" Alec said, getting out of the bed. He was careful, trying to not disturb the cat.
"Yeah?" Magnus asked from the hallway.
     Alec poked his head out of the bedroom door. "There's a cat on our bed."
"Oh, him!" Magnus exclaimed. "I wondered where he buggered off to!"
"What?" Alec asked, utterly perplexed.
"My dad got him for us. For Christmas."
"Your dad bought us a cat?"
"Yeah! I still haven't named him yet cause I wanted to get your input," Magnus said.
"Uh okay?"
     "What about Chairman Meow?" Magnus suggested.
"Chairman Meow?" Alec questioned, but he smiled. "I like it."
"Chairman Meow it is," Magnus said, picking up the sleeping tabby and lifting him into his arms. The cat didn't budge.
"That is one sleepy cat," Alec said, laughing.

At lunch time, Magnus and Alec were sitting at the dining table, eating horrible sandwiches they were actually bothered to make.
"We really need to update our pantry," Magnus said.
"You think?" Alec replied. "I'm legit only eating bread and butter."
Magnus laughed. "Well, is it tasty bread and butter?"
"I guess," Alec said.
     "How's Chairman?" Magnus asked.
Alec looked down at his lap where the kitten was sleeping, curled up in a tight ball.
"Still dead asleep. Actually, I think he might be dead," Alec said. He poked the kitten gently, who yawned but didn't wake up. "Okay, he's not dead."
"I can take him if you want," Magnus offered.
"It's cool," Alec said. "He's keeping my legs warm."
     "Okay, you were right. These sandwiches are pretty gross," Magnus stated. "I don't even know why there is barely any food in this apartment."
"Should we go and buy some them?" Alec asked.
"Why not," Magnus said, grabbing his keys. "Let's go."

Magnus and Alec walked through the supermarket. Magnus was pushing the trolley while Alec was walking next to him, his arm wrapped around Magnus's waist.
     "I can't believe how far you've come," Magnus said. "I still remember when you hated the very idea of being seen so much as a metre near me in public."
"Times change," Alec said, placing a gentle kiss on Magnus's cheek.
     "Should we get some actual sandwich fillings? Like ham?"
"Yeah," Alec said, grabbing an already packed packet of ham from the fridge section. He threw it into the surprisingly full trolley and went back to holding Magnus by the waist. They continued to walk down the shopping aisles like that the rest of the time they were shopping.
     At the register, Alec and Magnus were working together, pulling the items out of the trolley and onto the conveyor belt efficiently. They were going faster than the actual cashier.
     "Your total is one hundred and ten dollars, please."
"Halves?" Magnus suggested.
"Yeah," Alec replied.
Alec dug around in his wallet for fifty five dollars while Magnus used his credit card.
     "Have a nice day," the cashier said, handing Alec the receipt. Her hand brushed against Alec's and she watched him thoughtfully. Magnus hid his smile as the totally oblivious Alec thanked her and lead them both out of the shop.
     "Dude, she was totally checking you out," Magnus laughed.
"What? No she wasn't."
"She was. I can't believe you didn't notice!"
"I don't notice these things. Besides, I'm gay, and I have you." He kissed Magnus softly on the lips before loading the car and getting into the front passenger seat.

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