Chapter 6 - Shopping and Plans

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Magnus dragged Alec into the nearest store. Alec clearly wasn't expecting this due to the surprised look on his face. Once he realised what was happening, his face changed.
     "Magnus, I don't know about this," Alec said warningly.
Magnus chuckled. "You'll be fine! I won't pressure you into buying stuff you don't need or want," Magnus replied.
Alec sighed. "Alright, fine."
Magnus grinned and dragged Alec over to the nearest men's clothing rack.
     "How about this?" Magnus suggested, holding out a pair of navy blue sweatpants.
Alec shrugged. "I guess I could try them on."
Magnus handed the pants to Alec and continued looking through the different clothing items. They were all sweatpants. Giving up with that rack, he moved o to the next. This rack held different shirts and singlets.
     Magnus looked through them all, and finally pulled out a white singlet with a beach pattern on it.
Alec's eyes widened. "I am not wearing that," he said. "I don't even wear singlets."
     "You should totally start wearing singlets!" Magnus stated. "It's nearly summer, and singlets would look great on you!"
The compliment seemed to go straight over Alec's head, and Magnus suppressed a smile.
"I don't wear singlets."
     Magnus sighed and put it back on the rack. Feeling extra devious, he pulled out a plain white singlet. Showing it to Alec. He laughed at the look on Alec's face.
     "I told you, I don't wear singlets."
Magnus frowned. "Just try it on! Besides, it's all one colour, which is what you like," Magnus said.
Alec sighed and finally gave in, taking the singlet from Magnus's tanned hands.
     "I think," Magnus started, "that you are finally understanding male fashion."
Alec snorted and watched as Magnus's lips quirked up at the corners as he looked through the shirts. He pulled out a red one.
     "How about this shirt?" Magnus asked.
Alec decided that there was no point in arguing with Magnus anymore, so he took the shirt. Besides, it wasn't a bad choice.
     "Magnus, I think this is enough stuff for me to try on," Alec said.
Magnus shook his head. "At least a pair of shorts?"
Alec sighed, feeling defeated. "Sure."
     "Magnus smiled as he walked over to the shorts section. He pulled out a pair of navy blue board shorts and held them up. Alec took them and walked towards the change rooms. Entering one, he locked the door behind him.
     "Don't forget, come out once you have tried them on so I can see," Magnus said. There was a rattling sound, and Alec reappeared, wearing the white singlet and blue sweatpants. Magnus was surprised at how nice it looked.
     "If you ever go to the gym, you should totally wear that," Magnus said. Alec chuckled and went back into the change room. As he was putting on the red shirt and blue board shorts, he heard Magnus's voice from outside.
     "Are you going to buy the outfit you had on earlier?"
Alec nodded, realised Magnus could see him, and said "yes, I am."
Magnus made a mock cheering sound before silencing himself. Alec came back out of the change room, wearing the final outfit.
     "It would be nice separate, but maybe not together," Magnus said, observing Alec's clothing.
"I only wore them together so it would save time," Alec said.
"Smart," Magnus smirked.
Alec smiled as he walked back into the change room. He emerged later, carrying the garments he was going to buy. They approached the cashier together.
     "That will be seventy five dollars and sixty cents," the cashier said. Alec handed him the money, received his change, and followed Magnus out of the store.
     "There, was that so bad?" Magnus asked Alec.
Alec laughed and shook his head. "It was fun. Thanks, Magnus."
Magnus smiled. He was glad he had made Alec happy.
"Wanna go get some coffee before you go?" Magnus asked.
Alec shrugged. "Why not."

"So, you're saying you have come up with a plan?" Jace asked Izzy. She was cooking cupcakes again, and Jace was standing a safe distance away from the oven.
     "Yes, I've come up with a plan," Izzy said, opening the oven and looking at the cupcakes. The smell that hit Jace almost made him gag.
"Can't you tell your cooking is disgusting?" Jace asked.
"My cooking is not disgusting!" Isabelle replied. "Anyway. Phase one of the plan is to get Alec and Magnus to get each other's phone numbers," Izzy said.
     "This plan has phases?"
"Shut up, Jace," Izzy snapped.
"Phase two is where we get them to go on a date, and phase three is to get Alec and Magnus to kiss, and BAM!" Izzy screamed. "True love."
Jace laughed.
     "Bam?" Jace asked. "Seriously?"
Izzy rolled her eyes. "Yes, seriously."
"And you really think this plan will work?" Jace asked.
Isabelle nodded.
"Alright, fine. I will join after phase one is successfully conducted."
     Izzy grinned. "Yes, thank you Jace!"
"Remember," he said. "I'm doing this for Alec, not for you," and he left the kitchen.

Alec and Magnus were sitting out the front of Starbucks, drinking their coffees and chatting.
"Where do you work?" Alec asked.
"Oh, I used to work at donut king, but I quit that job," Magnus said.
"So where do you work now?" Alec asked.
"Actually, I'm still looking for a job. Turns out people don't want someone, um," he broke off, thinking of the right words to say. "Well, someone like me."
Alec put his drink down on the table.
"What do you mean someone like you?" Alec asked. Hopefully he wasn't going too far.
"You know, people don't really want me working at their shops because well..."
"My fashion sense is uh, different. And we'll, I'm practically gay-"
Alec choked on his coffee.
Magnus looked at Alec quizzically. "What?" Magnus asked.
"How can someone be 'practically gay?'" Alec asked.
"Okay, well I'm bisexual, but I don't normally tell everyone," Magnus answered.
"Oh," Alec replied, realisation dawning on his face.
"So, people don't normally like someone like me working in their shop," Magnus announced. He sipped his coffee thoughtfully.
"Well, I've got a job at this place called Taki's," Alec said. "They're hiring."
Magnus smiled. "Alright, why not give it a go?"

Now was his chance to ask Magnus for his number.
"Hey, Magnus. Why don't you give me your number and I can text you all the details?" Alec suggested. He hoped Magnus would give his number to him.
"Okay," Magnus said, pulling his phone out of his pocket. Alec tried to hide his relief. Alec did the same and opened the contacts app. They handed each other their phones and began typing in their numbers.
Alec gave Magnus his phone back. When Magnus was finished, he handed Alec's phone back. Alec almost choked on his coffee again when he read the contact name Magnus chose. Glitter Kitty. He looked up to see Magnus watching him.
Magnus was suppressing a grin as Alec stared at the contact name.
"Glitter Kitty?" Alec asked, raising an eyebrow.
Magnus shrugged. "I like glitter and cats."

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