Chapter 5 - Plan "Get 'em Together"

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Alec woke up to the sound of rain hitting his windows. He checked his alarm clock. It was three in the morning. Alec sighed. There was no way he was going back to bed. He stood up, stretched and walked downstairs and into the kitchen. All the lights were off, so he used the flashlight on his phone to guide his way.
He filled a glass of water and took a sip. He downed the entire glass's contents within a few seconds and trudged back up the stairs and into his bedroom. He closed the door behind him and climbed back into bed, playing games on his phone, hoping it would help him get back to sleep.
The rain continued falling, and Alec continued playing games on his phone. Getting bored, he finally switched his phone off and dumped it on his bedside table. He closed his eyes and tried to get to sleep, but it didn't work. For some reason, his mind kept wandering to thoughts of Magnus.
The past few days, these same thoughts had always occurred in Alec's mind. Did he like Magnus, did Magnus like Alec, was Magnus even interested in men? Alec would never admit it, but he wished that he had asked Magnus for his phone number when he had the chance. He could really use someone to talk to other than family and family friends.
Alec finally managed to doze off, but who haunted his dreams? Magnus. Alec couldn't seem to get Magnus off his mind, and it frustrated him. The rain continued coming down, harder than before, and Alec finally managed to fall asleep.


Izzy sat on Jace's bed, watching Jace look through his closet. "I still don't think this is a good idea."
Izzy gave Jace a meaningful look. "I know Magnus likes Alec," Izzy said. "I could tell. And I think Alec likes him back, too."
Jace sighed. "You're the love expert, I guess," Jace said. "However, unless I know they are both interested in each other, I will not help you get them together."
Izzy made an over dramatic pouty face.
"Please," she asked, her voice going up a few octaves.
Jace shook his head. "No."
"Pretty please," she tried again, batting her eyelashes this time.
"Iz, that only works on Simon," Jace said, choking back a laugh.
"You're a pain in the butt," Izzy said, throwing a pillow at Jace. He caught it and eyed it thoughtfully before replying.
"A handsome pain in the butt."
Izzy rolled her eyes as she caught the pillow.
Jace shrugged on his leather jacket. "I, have a date with Clary," he said. With that, he left the bedroom, leaving Izzy behind to brew a plan in her mind.

"I've booked the photo shoot in for Monday at 12, like you asked for," Asmodeus said into the phone. Robert was on the other end, replying.
"Oh, wonderful. Thank you so much Asmodeus."
"Anytime," Asmodeus announced, hanging up after they said goodbye.
     "Who was that, Dad?" Magnus asked.
"Robert," Asmodeus replied.
Magnus nodded before asking, "is there any chance I could catch up with Isabelle, Jace and Alec on that day?"
Asmodeus smiled. "If they are your friends, go in your own time too. But of course you can go on the Monday."
Magnus grinned. "Great."
     "Well, I'm gonna head back home," Asmodeus said. "Thanks for inviting me over for lunch, son."
Asmodeus stood up and left the apartment, leaving Magnus to clean up the empty plate of sandwiches. Once everything was cleared away, Magnus locked the door behind his father and fell onto his bed, closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep.
(Asmodeus is so different from a demon in this story, haha)

Izzy went over the plan in her mind. She would somehow get Alec and Magnus to exchange phone numbers, and get them texting each other. If phase one of the plan went well, she would start phase two. Phase two was simple: get Alec and Magnus to go on a date. Phase three was still brewing in Izzy's mind, but she was satisfied with the plan so far.
Izzy walked into the lounge room and sat down next to Alec on the couch. He was watching television.
"Whatcha doing?" she asked Alec.
"What does it look like I'm doing?" he replied.
Izzy rolled her eyes. "Just trying to start a conversation," she said, throwing her arms into the air in defeat. Alec laughed and turned to look at his sister.
"Is Jace with Clary?"
Isabelle nodded. "That's pretty much all he does these days," she said.
Alec made a noise of agreement and switched of the television.
"Hey!" Izzy shouted. "I was watching that!"
Alec grinned and left the room, leaving an annoyed Izzy behind.

Alec left the house and walked towards his black car. He got in and drove off, heading to the shopping centre. Parking his car, he turned it off and got out. Being stuck in the house always made him bored.
Alec walked into the first shop he saw and went to the sweater section. He really needed new sweaters without holes in them.
He found a light grey sweater with a hood and went to try it on. It fit him perfectly, so he decided to buy it. While he was waiting in line to buy the sweater, he saw a familiar face walk into the shop towards the section that held makeup.
     Alec watched as Magnus browsed through the different types of makeup. Finally, it was his turn to pay for the sweater. The lady behind the counter was no more than twenty years old.
     "Is that all for today," she asked Alec.
"Yes, thank you," Alec said, handing her the sweater. Alec never really enjoyed paying for things, especially in this case. The lady would not stop staring and watching him.
     She handed Alec the bag holding the sweater and asked for the money. He gave her the amount and walked off, still sensing the lady's eyes on him. It was always awkward when women were checking him out.
     Not bothered to go back home yet, Alec approached Magnus.
"Hey," he said.
Magnus looked up and smiled brightly.
"Hey," he replied. Magnus glanced down at the bag Alec was holding.
"I see you bought something from here," Magnus observed.
Alec shrugged. "I just really needed a new sweater."
Alec took notice of what Magnus was wearing. He was wearing a navy blue shirt where the arms reached just past his elbows and a pair of black sweatpants. He looked awfully casual for someone with his fashion sense. Then Alec noticed Magnus's hair, which was dusted lightly with specks of holographic glitter.
Magnus frowned. "Do I have something on my face?" he asked.
Alec shook his head, inwardly cursing himself for staring.
"Ok then," Magnus said. He picked up a pack of glitter eyeshadow and showed it to Alec.
"Do you think I should buy this?" he asked.
Alec shrugged. "I am the last person you want to ask for shopping advice," Alec said.
Magnus laughed. "Well, I'm the first person you should ask for shopping advice." Magnus grinned, putting the makeup back on it's stand.
A look of confusion passed across Alec's face, but it was soon traded for a look of surprise as Magnus grabbed Alec's forearm and dragged him out of the shop and into another.

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