Chapter 4 - Dinner

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Robert and Asmodeus sat at the dining table, brainstorming ideas for the new business cards.
"So, I was thinking we could have your face on the bottom left corner, and the name of the company on the top in the centre," Asmodeus said.
Robert nodded. "And we could add a picture of a for sale sign, and a sold sign next to my head," Robert suggested.
"Yes! That seems like it could be useful," Asmodeus said.
"Alright, well, seems like we are done here for today," Asmodeus said. Robert couldn't agree more. They had been at it for the last two hours. Maryse walked into the dining room.
"Dinner is ready," she said, before walking into the lounge room to tell the kids.
The four children came wandering into the room and took their seats at the dining table, Magnus sitting next to Asmodeus.

Maryse brought the food out and set it on the table. She then laid out the rest of the things needed, and they all started serving themselves.
"So, Magnus," Maryse started. "How old are you?" She asked.
Magnus smiled. "Twenty one," he said. "I know it's weird for me to come here, since I'm over eighteen, but I had nothing better to do."
Maryse nodded. "I get what you mean," she announced, taking a sip from her glass. She swallowed the water before continuing the conversation.
"So, do you work at the company too?" Maryse asked Magnus.
"No, I don't actually," Magnus replied. Alec was surprised that Magnus didn't seem bored or annoyed that he had to answer the same question over and over again.
Alec was sitting next to Izzy, and he was watching her as she ate.
"What?" She asked.
"You have potato on your cheek," Alec observed. Izzy grabbed a napkin and wiped both her cheeks. Once the potato was wiped away, Alec nodded and went back to eating his food.

Izzy always appreciated how much Alec did for her, but she needed to do some things for her brother every once in a while. Magnus was the perfect opportunity.
     Izzy was noticing the way Magnus watched Alec. His eyes were bright, and they followed Alec around a lot. Plus, if Alec looked up, Izzy noticed Magnus would look away most of the time. It was obvious Magnus was checking Alec out, she had done it so much herself towards Simon that she was an expert at noticing when others did it.
     Izzy wondered if Alec knew Magnus was interested in boys. It was pretty obvious. The hair, makeup, glitter and fashion sense really screamed it out loud for everyone to hear. She had to do something about this, but what?


Once Asmodeus and Magnus left, Isabelle pulled Alec into the lounge room.
     "Izzy, what is it?" Alec asked. Any worry he had disappeared as he saw the look on his sister's face.
Izzy looked towards the door before replying. "Didn't you notice the way Magnus was looking at you?" she asked. Alec was shocked. He definitely was not expecting this.
     "No! Why would I?" Alec asked.
Izzy shrugged. "I don't know," she said quietly. Alec frowned.
"Is this just because I'm gay?" he asked.
"What? No!" Izzy whisper-shouted.
"I saw! Magnus was genuinely checking you out!" Isabelle said. Alec shook his head.
"Why would he do that?" Alec asked.
     Izzy rolled her eyes. "Because he likes you!" She exclaimed.
"You seriously think he likes me?" Alec asked.
Izzy grinned. "I think you're the reason he came with his dad in the first place! I mean, who wants to go with their dad to his workmate's house?"
Alec shrugged.
"EXACTLY!" Izzy shouted.
     Alec frowned. "Are you saying he likes me?"
Izzy nodded. "Do you like him?" she asked quietly.
Alec froze. Did he like Magnus? He never thought about it that way.
"Well?" Izzy asked. Clearly, she was growing impatient.
     "No! Well, I, uh- no." Alec's cheeks were red.
"Oh my goodness, Alec!" Izzy shouted.
"You do like him!"
Alec was about to protest but was interrupted by Izzy. She squealed loudly, jittering with excitement.
     "By the angel, I totally ship you guys!" Alec rolled his eyes.
"I don't even know if I like him, Iz."
"Well, you better figure it out, and go on a date!"
"What if he doesn't even like me?" Alec asked.
"He likes you, I can tell," Izzy said. "You have nothing to worry about."
Alec didn't believe this at all. There were so many things to worry about.


Magnus sat on the edge of his bed, staring at his rainbow rug in the middle of the room. His apartment was a good size, and it suited his personality well. The floor was polished timber, and his rugs were all brightly coloured. The walls in every room were mint green, and his bedspread was a zebra pattern.               The television was fifty inches, which sat on a wooden cabinet. His lounge and coffee table were a set; his lounge was blue, and the coffee table was the same blue with a layer of Glass over the top. The table sat atop another rug, this one glittery.
His dining table was made from the same wood as his cabinets, and the kitchen was spacious, just like any other kitchen. He loved his apartment, but was confused about his feelings towards Alec.
     Yes, Alec was good looking. In fact, he was gorgeous, but Magnus didn't know his feelings towards the other man. He didn't even know if Alec liked men. Throughout dinner from earlier that day, Magnus couldn't help but watch Alec. He was quiet and reserved, eating his food respectfully, and it drew Magnus in.
     Magnus sighed as he stood up off his bed and left his bedroom. He walked over to the blue lounge and sat down, switching the television on. He flicked through the channels and settled on watching a rom com. He always enjoyed those.

Hope you guys are enjoying this story! I'm having so much fun writing it! Don't forget, you could always comment some suggestions and I may use them! Bye!

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