Chapter 19 - Changes

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Alec sat in the car out the front of the apartment for ten minutes. His head was in his hands as he sobbed silently. "I knew I shouldn't have gone," he sobbed to himself.
He had not expected it to go well, but it was even worse then he imagined. He was completely disowned by his father, completely thrown out of the house. There was no way he would be able to go back. It was no longer his home, and that made Alec sob even harder.
What's worse was that Robert would most likely stop him from seeing his own siblings. He thought of Izzy, and how it would break her. He thought of Jace, and how he would never be the same. He thought of Max, that even though he was not there to witness any of that, he would have cared, maybe even more than everyone else.
Gathering enough strength, Alec finally got out of his car and made his way up to the apartment. His apartment.
Bracing himself, he opened the door and walked in. Magnus was sitting on the couch, watching the television. He looked up at the sound of the door.
"How was it?" Magnus asked.
"Shit," Alec said, his voice wavering. Hearing the sadness in Alec's voice, he jumped up instantly.
"Alec, I'm so sorry," he said quietly. He pulled Alec into a warm hug. "I'm so, so sorry."
Alec hugged him back as he blinked back the tears that wanted to fall. He could have cried all night, but he knew he wouldn't, because he had Magnus to hold onto.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Magnus whispered.
"Not particularly," Alec said.
"Alright. You know I'm always here if you need me," Magnus justified.
"I know," Alec replied. "I'm going to bed."
Magnus nodded. "Would you like me to come too?"
"No, it's fine," Alec said, and he walked into their bedroom.
He got dressed into his pyjamas and clambered into bed. He already decided he didn't want to cry, but he did anyway.
The tears dropped silently onto his grey pillow as he cried. He tugged the blankets closer around himself, using them to cover his face. They were warm, and he knew they would always be there, unlike his father. It was only a matter of time before things would get worse.

The next morning, Alec woke up to see Magnus asleep in the bed next to him. Alec sighed as he remembered last night. His face felt stiff after all his crying last night; the dried tears on his face felt strange.
He got out of bed, stretched, and walked into the kitchen to make some breakfast. He made some toast and a cup of coffee, and sat down at the dining table to eat. He was hungrier than he had initially thought.
     After he had finished breakfast, Magnus entered the living room area where Alec was sitting.
"Morning," he said.
"Morning," Alec replied.
"Are you feeling better?" Magnus asked.
Alec nodded. "As good as I can be, I guess."
"I hate seeing you like that."
Alec merely sighed. He wasn't in the mood for sympathy. That was when his phone buzzed. It was a text from his dad.
     He stopped, too shocked to move.
"What is it?" Magnus asked.
"My Dad just texted me," said Alec.
"What does it say?" Magnus asked cautiously.
Alec opened the message and read it, his hands shaking slightly.

Alec, Izzy and Jace are no longer able to see you. I want you gone from this family, all you do is bring shame to the Lightwood name. You are not to speak to Jonathan  or Isabelle.

Alec swallowed back his tears. This was it. His dad was pushing him away completely. He wasn't even allowed to see his siblings anymore.
     It was too much. The tears poured out of Alec's half closed eyes. Magnus ran to Alec's side and sat next to him on the couch. One arm wrapped reassuringly around Alec's waist, Magnus read the message. Once he read it, he was crying to.
     "Oh my God, Alec," Magnus sobbed.
Alec cried harder as Magnus brought Alec's head down onto his chest. He brought his hand through Alec's messy black hair, muttering words of comfort.
     "Oh, Alec," Magnus said. "Alec, it's going to be okay. I'm here, I'm here for you."
Alec cried. And cried. And cried.
     "I swear, I'm going to murder Robert," Magnus said, anger blocking out any sadness. "You're his own son! Besides, he has absolutely no right to take control over you like that. If you want to see your siblings, you can bloody well see your siblings."
     "Mags," Alec said. "There's nothing we can do."
"Are you kidding?" asked Magnus. "We could bloody well take this to court!"
"No, Magnus."
"Why not?"
"Because, what happens if we don't win the case? Things would just get even worse!"
"This has to be resolved somehow, Alexander," Magnus said.
Alec sighed. "We can sort it out later, then."

Later that day, Alec was asleep on the couch. Magnus watched him, taking a sip of his vodka. He knew he shouldn't be drinking at a time like this, but he had to. It was his guilty pleasure.
     He took another sip of the vodka. The taste was delightful. Alec shuffled around on the couch, but he didn't wake. Everything was changing for him, and Magnus wanted to do anything in his power to help his boyfriend, but Alec was refusing any help. It would be impossible to try and talk some sense into him. It could take a while, but something had to be done.
     Alec woke up ten minutes later. Magnus had finished his drink, but Alec could smell the alcohol.
     "Have you been drinking?" Alec asked.
"Yes," Magnus said. There was no point in lying. The smell of the alcohol was so strong, anyway. Alec sat up, breathing rather heavily.
"You feeling any better?" Magnus asked.
"Much better, actually."
"Good. Do you want me to make you something? A coffee, hot chocolate?"
"A hot chocolate would be nice," Alec said.
"One hot chocolate coming up," grinned Magnus. He went into the kitchen and came back out three minutes later, carrying two mugs of steaming hot chocolate. He handed one to Alec.
"Cheers," Magnus said.
"Cheers," Alec replied.

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