Chapter 8 - Monday

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Monday finally came around, and Izzy couldn't wait to start her plan. She had told Jace about it, and he finally agreed to join.
     Izzy was going to pull Alec aside while Jace would speak with Magnus about a certain 'party' going on in Central Park. Later, Izzy would tell Alec about it too, and that would be where the date would be held.
     If all went well, this plan would work. Izzy did not doubt that it wouldn't work. She was counting on it too. It was genuinely one of the easier ways to get it to happen, anyway.
Magnus was being dropped off in a hour, and Robert would go with Asmodeus to the photo shoot. Izzy ran upstairs and jumped on her brother. Literally.
"IZZY!" he screamed. "GET OFF ME!"
"It's ten in the morning! Shouldn't you be out of bed by now?"
Alec groaned. "It's Monday, and I don't have work," he replied, but got out of bed anyway. It was pointless to argue with Izzy about something so simple as this.
"Plus," Izzy said. "Magnus is coming over."
Alec raised his eyebrows. "Why?"
Izzy shrugged. "He wanted to catch up, I guess. Just the four of us."
Alec didn't want to continue the conversation about Magnus any longer. If he did, he would have kept smiling. Why?
When Magnus went into Taki's to get a job, Alec was there, and recommended Magnus to his boss. After Magnus had his interview, he left, but Alec had finished his shift anyway.            The next day, Magnus had texted Alec saying he had gotten the job, and Alec was way more excited then he should have been.
     "You should probably get dressed," Izzy announced. "He's going to be here in twenty minutes.
     Alec's eyes widened as he jumped out of bed and grabbed his new red shirt and a pair of blue jeans. He grabbed Isabelle by the arm and threw her out of his room, closing the door.
     He got dressed and fixed his hair in the mirror. Happy with how he looked, he went downstairs and into the kitchen. He looked through the pantry, unsure of what to have for breakfast. Cereal, or toast?
     He grabbed the bread, and began toasting two pieces. He spread raspberry jam all over the bread and took his plate into the lounge room where Izzy and Jace were sitting.
     "I see you found the jam," Jace observed.
"What do you mean by found?" Alec asked.
Jace sighed. "I put a label on it, you know? So it's just for me."
Alec shrugged and took a bite of his toast. "I don't particularly care. I mean, it's only jam."
     "Don't worry about it," Jace said. He paused before he reached out and took the toast right out of Alec's hand. He bit into it, gesturing towards Alec with the toast. "Now, we're even."
     "I was going to eat that," Alec said.
Jace only smiled. "You still have one more piece on your plate."
Alec picked it up and bit it, giving Jace a dirty look. Jace threw his arms up in a what can you do gesture. Alec rolled his eyes and continued eating the toast. He wanted to finish eating it before Magnus got here.
     Robert entered the room. "Hey dad," Isabelle said.
Robert continued looking at his phone, ignoring Isabelle.
"Gee, thanks for being so polite," she said, turning her attention from him to Jace. While Alec wasn't looking, Izzy nodded to Jace, and he nodded back, confirming the plan. Things were going to get interesting.

Finally, the doorbell rang. "I'll get it," Izzy said, strutting to the door. She opened it, revealing Magnus and his father. "Dad, Asmodeus is here!" she shouted, and she let them both into the house. Robert came around the corner, wearing his business suit he had gotten changed into.
     "Morning, Asmodeus," Robert said.
"Morning," Asmodeus replied. Practically straight after the initial greetings, Robert and Asmodeus left, leaving Alec, Jace, Izzy and Magnus the only ones in the house.
     "Come on," Isabelle said. "The others are in the lounge room."
She led Magnus to the lounge room, where Alec and Jace greeted him. Magnus smiled as he saw Alec's outfit.
     "I see your wearing the red shirt," Magnus observed.
Alec laughed. "Yeah, I haven't worn it yet." Everyone went and sat on the couches, Jace laying back in a relaxed manner. Izzy and Magnus were sitting normally, though Alec was sitting up straight instead of his usual slouching. Obviously, he was trying to look cool in front of Magnus.
     "So, I heard you got the job at Taki's!" Isabelle exclaimed.
"I did! I can't want to start work," Magnus replied.
"When do you start?" Jace asked.
"My first shift is Wednesday, actually," Magnus said.
     "What time?" Alec asked. "I start at twelve on the Wednesday."
Magnus grinned. "I start at eleven until three.
"Guess I'll see you there, then," Alec said. Izzy noticed he was excited to get to work with Magnus. Clearly there were some unidentified feelings between the two. That only made Izzy even more confident in her plan. She had been planning it for ages, now.
     She looked over at Jace, but he shook his head. Too early, his eyes told her. Izzy nodded once before turning back to Magnus.
     "So, maybe we could all go to the park later?" Izzy suggested. "There isn't much else we could do."
Magnus shrugged. "I'm down."
"Sure," Jace said.
"Yeah, sure," Alec said.
     Izzy decided she couldn't wait any longer to start the plan. Besides, Jace seemed like he was ready. They nodded at each other before starting.
     "So, do you guys want any drinks?" Izzy asked. The plan was finally going into action.
"I'll have some Pepsi," Jace said. Alec asked for some wine and Magnus asked for some water.
     "Alec," Izzy said. "Can you come help me?"
Alec stood up. "Sure."
Alec and Izzy walked out of the lounge room and into the kitchen.
"I need to talk to you," she said.
Alec looked at her expectantly.
"Okay. I was planning on throwing a surprise party for Magnus to congratulate him on his new job."
     "Why?" Alec asked. "I don't see why you would have any interest in doing that."
Izzy sighed. "It's a nice thing to do."
Alec shrugged. "I'll come."
"Great," Izzy answered.

"So," Jace said, lowering his voice and leaning towards Magnus.
"Izzy and I were planning to throw a surprise party for Alec."
Magnus seemed intrigued. "For what?"
     "He graduated two months ago, and we still haven't had a party for him or anything," Jace was saying. "We were hoping you would come?" Jace asked.
     Magnus grinned. "Sounds fun," he said.
"Great," Jace smiled. "It's going to be held in Central Park just outside the woods, this Friday at seven."
"I'll be there," Magnus said.

"Where's the party going to be held?" Alec asked.
"This Friday at Central Park, outside the woods."
"Why outside the woods?" Alec questioned.
"In case we need to hide there to surprise him," Izzy said as if it was obvious.

Izzy and Alec returned with all of the drinks, and the four of them sat in the lounge room, drinking and chatting. After they finished their drinks, they headed off to the park.

"Did Alec say he was going to go?" Jace whispered.
"Yes, did Magnus?" Izzy whispered back. He nodded.
"The plan's coming up good," Izzy said.
"This is actually pretty smart, Iz," he said.
Izzy grinned. "I know."


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