Chapter 13 - Celebrations and Friday

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Magnus had told Alec he would meet him and the other's at Taki's at two. That gave him and Izzy an hour to get ready.
"You actually want my help in dressing you?" Izzy asked.
Alec nodded.
"Well then, let the master do her work."
She wandered over to Alec's closet and pulled out a pair of blue jeans and a plain black shirt.
"Put this on," she said.
She handed him his black converse sneakers. "And those, too."
He put the clothes on and went downstairs to find Clary and Jace in a passionate embrace. He cleared his throat, and they broke apart, Clary blushing profusely.
"Izzy's nearly ready to go," he said.
"Okay," Jace answered.
Clary smiled. "So, Magnus Bane?" she asked.
"Yeah," Alec said.
After Alec told Jace and Clary the news, she had interrogated him, asking who his boyfriend was.
"He works at the company, right?" Clary had asked.
"His dad does," Alec said.
"I'm happy for you, Alec," she had told him. Alec couldn't help but feel a tad warmer towards Clary after coming clean. He did, however, wonder how Simon would react. He just hoped he wouldn't cause a scene.

Alec, Jace, Clary and Isabelle all crammed into Alec's car. Isabelle claimed that Simon was going to come with them, so the two girls in the back were already sitting so Clary was in he middle and Isabelle was behind Alec. Jace sat in the front seat next to Alec. The radio was on at a random station and was playing some song none of them had heard of.
     "It's actually a pretty good song," Clary said.
"You serious? It sounds like a singing banshee," Jace said, "but if you like it, I won't change it."
"Oh, how cute," Izzy exclaimed. "But I still ship Magnus and Alec."
Alec rolled his eyes. "Izzy, we get how happy you are for me and Magnus, but we don't need to hear it every five minutes."
"Sorry, not sorry," Isabelle replied.
     "Up on the left," clary told Alec, and he pulled into the driveway of Simon's house. He was sitting on his front porch, and he stood up and made his way over to the car. He jumped in, and they were off again,
"I legit just finished playing D and D," Simon said. "New high score."
Alec sighed. "Simon, no one cares," Alec said.
"I do," Clary and Izzy said in unison.
"See, my girls care," Simon said.
     Izzy had been dating Simon for two months now, and Clary and Simon had been friends, basically all their lives. Him and Alec weren't that close, but they did talk to each other as friends would. Jace and Simon were friends too, so the rest of the car drive was not as awkward as Alec had thought it would be. There was a small silence every now and then, but it was broken easily. Finally they pulled up in front of Taki's.
     They entered the shop, and Alec saw Magnus sitting at a booth. Magnus saw him and waved him over, so all five of them joined Magnus. Alec sat next to Magnus while everyone else sat down. Alec didn't quite know what to do, so he was glad when Magnus kicked off the conversation.
     "I'm Magnus," he said, reaching out to shake Simon's hand. He took it.
"Simon," he replied.
Clary smiled. "Oh! You're Magnus!"
"The one and only," Magnus replied, making clary giggle.
Izzy eyed her brother. "You going to tell him, or what?" she asked Alec.
Alec sighed. "Fine."
He looked over at Simon.
"Simon," he began. "Magnus is, uh, my boyfriend," Alec said quietly. Simon grinned.
"Wow, congrats you guys," he replied. "That's great! We all have partners now!"
     "Wait," Alec said. "You're not at all surprised by this?"
"Nope," Simon said. "I noticed you were gay a while ago."
"Right," Alec said. This conversation was only a little awkward.
"Anyway," Jace said, "should we order?"
"Yeah," Izzy said, "I'm pretty hungry."
     Kaelie came over and took their orders. She gave Alec and Magnus a suspicious look before returning to the kitchen.
"Have you told your parents yet?" Magnus asked Alec.
He shook his head. "No, not yet. Clary and Simon are the only other people who know."
"Alexander," Magnus started, "whenever you're ready to tell your parents, I just want you to know that if you need me to, be there while you tell them, I will come."
Alec smiled slightly. "Yeah, I'd like that."
Magnus grabbed Alec's hand under the table and squeezed. Alec squeezed back, it was nice for Alec to have someone other than his siblings who would be there for him.

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