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''Cause I've done some things that I can't speak...And I tried to wash you away, but you just won't leave'



"Louis wake up you ass hat! I need to get ready for work." I tell my lazy best friend who's still lying around on the couch. He went out drinking last night and came back at three in the morning, I can't imagine the hangover he's going to have with how slammed he was last night.

"Fuck off Harry, I'm in pain." He groans, burying his head into the pillow.

"Maybe you shouldn't have gone out drinking on a weekday then." I roll my eyes and start putting my uniform on for work.

I was excited to go to work again.

I know, me, Harry Styles, who works in London Mental hospital, is excited to go to work.

But I wasn't excited to do the work, I was excited to see her again. The beautiful girl with the big brown eyes who has fully captured my attention.

When I helped her the other day, I felt like I had achieved something amazing. Like I had figured out the cure to cancer, when in reality it was just me making her talk for the first time.

Doctor Andrews was surprised, I was surprised but her voice was beautiful.

"Louis I'm leaving. Try to clean up the mess you made." I tell him and chuck a pillow at his head as he lays on the couch.

"Fuck off." He puts up his middle finger and turns over. I roll my eyes and leave our apartment.

My shift doesn't start for a little while, so I decide on stopping off at a little cafe for lunch. I walk inside and the familiar smell of caffeine and cake hits my nose.

"Oi, oi!" I hear the familiar Irish accent and I grin. Niall stands behind the counter with a smile on his face.

He owns the cafe as it's always been his ambition to have his own restaurant so having a cafe is a good place to start. "Alright Nialler?" I smile.

He makes me my usual coffee and slides it to me in a white mug. He starts making my cheese and ham toasty and I sit up at the counter so I can talk to him.

"How's the job going?" He asks.

"Pretty good." My mind going to her.

"Done anything good yet?" He hands me my toasty on the plate.

I grin, "Something great." I chuckle and shake my head.

"What might that be?" He quizzes.

"I can't reveal that to you Niall. It's private." I say and he shakes his head.

"I'm glad it going good for you mate." He quickly takes another persons order as I sip my coffee.

"How's this place going?" I look around the cosy cafe. There aren't many people here today, usually there are quite a few.

"Not too bad. Mum's planning on coming down for a quick visit soon." He tells me and we catch up for a while before I have to go.

I take the underground to the Hospital and as soon as I turn up, I put on my white coat and am greeted by Doctor Andrews.

"Ah Mr Styles, just the man I needed to see." He stands up from his computer and walks over to me. He grabs a file and a clipboard and puts a black pen into the pocket of his Doctors coat.

"Is everything okay?" I ask and he nods, staring down at the papers.

"Everything is just fine but there's a certain someone getting a little impatient without you." He days and I start to question who it might be.

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