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'The bitter taste won't let me be.'

This chapter gets confusing af


'Get up!" The voice that brings me nightmares every second of every hour of the day, speaks loud and gruff. I groan and lift my head up to see his ugly ass face looking down at me. I don't know who he is, he hasn't told me anything about himself. I just know that he has some serious issues that need fixing.

"What do you want from me?" I ask, my eyes squinting as I look up at him. It's dark where I'm being held captive, so dark that I can't even see a damn think once he shuts the door and leaves me alone. I'm confused and I have no idea where I am. All I know is that, one minute I'm on the bus home and getting off at my usual bus stop outside my apartment and walking into my own flat only to have someone knock me out and take me to this hell hole.

"I don't want anything from you." He says, his voice dark and sinister. I'm not going to lie, I am scared. I don't know what's going on and I've actually lost count of the amount of days I've been here. I have no idea where I'm going to end up now or ever. The only thing that's keeping me sane is the thought of my Marcie. I need to be brave for her in order to find a way out of this mess.

"Then what the hell am I doing here?" I yell and he laughs. His eyes are so dark and his hair and facial hair is all scruffy, making him look like a sick poor man. There's something about him I just can't put my finger on but he seems very familiar.

"You're part of the plan, Mr Styles." He chuckles.

"Plan?" I ask, questioningly. My confusion clear. "What plan?"

"You'll see..." He begins to walk away and grabs something from the table. "Take this." He says and hands me a toothbrush. "The toilets need scrubbing upstairs."

"Fuck you and your dirty work." I spit at him. All I've been doing since I've gotten here is chores, barely eating and sleeping in the pitch black. I'm still wearing the same clothes I was wearing however many days ago I was taken.

He immediately grabs a silver gun from his belt and presses it to my forehead. "I'd watch that tongue of yours boy. Remember who's in charge here." He threatens and as much as I don't want to, I get up and pick up the toothbrush from the ground, walking away to begin my first chore of the day.

As I'm sat on the bathroom floor, cleaning the toilets, I hear a loud crash from downstairs. I pretend to ignore it and continue scrubbing but I stop when I hear voices speak rather loudly. "We've got her." Someone says.

"Well done boys, put her in the basement. It's time to mess with the little girl's mind." I hear the man laugh.

I hear them moving and I turn back to my duty, someone walks past and checks in on me but I don't turn to look at whoever it was and just get on with what I'm doing. When they walk away, I drop the toothbrush and quietly sneak downstairs. I look around and see the door of the basement at the end of the hallway. I look through the doorway of the lounge and see the man and some of his friends sat on on the couch drinking beer. I took this as the opportunity to run and open to door to the basement, wanting to see who had joined me in this place.

I walk down the steps, carefully, not wanting to make a single sound that could get me caught. 'Hello?" I whisper and I slowly turn the corner, hoping no one would be there to catch me and take me to the man who was holding me captive.

I turn the corner and see a figure lying on the ground. It's hard to make out who it is because of the lack of light in the room. "Hello. are you alright?" Stupid question, Harry.

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