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You can coax the cold right out of me
Drape me in your warmth



"For fucks sake Louis, she could be anywhere!" I groan as we drive around the dark streets of London in his old beat up car.

We've been looking for over two hours now and there's no sight of my beautiful Marcie. Louis keeps reminding me of how I could loose my job for losing Marcie or even letting her out of the hospital but that's the last thing I'm worried about.

She barely knows her way around this place, in fact she doesn't know her way. Heck, she's never even been to a bakery before let alone around a whole city. She could be anywhere and that's what makes me so worried. Someone could be hurting her or holding her captive or, for all I know, she could be hurting someone else.

This wasn't how I wanted this night to go. I wanted to take her to my place, watch a movie, eat popcorn and just talk but instead, I had to go and make a move and kiss her.

Although, even though my actions got me in this situation I wouldn't ever take it back. God, I've been wanting to kiss that girl since I first laid eyes on her and looked into her pretty brown eyes. Her lips were so soft and the feeling I got from her was indescribable.

"Fuck Harry, this city is huge. We could be spending days looking for this girl." Louis huffs in frustration.

"I don't care! We could spend years looking for her but I wouldn't stop. I need to find her, I need her." I whispered the last part to prevent getting bullied by Louis for being so whipped for this girl already. He's the last person who would understand and he knows it.

"Are you sure she wouldn't go to a place where you guys have been before?" He asks and I shake my head.

"No, we've been past the bakery and that's the only place she knows. She's never been around London before or anywhere for that matter." I explain.

"Jesus Christ Harry," he runs his fingers through his hair. "Did you have to make a move on her?"

"It wasn't Marcie who reacted that way, it was whoever's controlling her. If it were Marcie she would have stayed, I know she would." I tell him and myself.

Marcie would have stayed with me if it were her. I know she would have stayed. If it weren't for those voices controlling her actions I would still be kissing her right now.

The car jolts to a stop and a loud beeping noice goes off. "Fucking hell! We've ran out of gas." Louis groans and I let out a frustrated huff.

"Where's the nearest gas station?" I ask and Louis searches on his phone.

"Ten minutes away." He says. "Alright, you wait here with the car and I'll go buy some petrol."

"Louis, we can't waste time." I tell him.

"We need the car to go around this stupid city Harry. Don't worry, I'll run." He says and starts walking to the gas station which makes me roll my eyes.

I sit in the car tapping my fingers in the dashboard. My head won't stop thinking of all the places where Marcie could be but the probability for all of the places are pretty small.

Suddenly, my eyes catch something. A figure lying on a small bench at the end of the street we're on. The first thing that comes to my mind is: Marcie.

I jump out of the car and run to where the bench is. "Marcie! Marcie!" I yell as loud as I can but she doesn't move which makes me furrow my eyebrows. "Marcie?" I whisper as I get closer.

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