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'I can't find you in the body sleeping next to me.'


H A R R Y 

My first kiss was when I was eight. It was with a girl called September and she was a lot taller than me because she was in the year above at school. She had huge, round glasses and freckles on her cheeks. She was really popular at our school and all the boys in my year group had a thing for you. 

We were in the playground. I was sat on the bench eating a cookie for my snack and she came over with a group of friends and sat next to me. "Have you ever kissed a girl Harry?" She asked me and I looked at her with wide eyes. It was so random and completely out of the blue but I truthfully shook my head, so she leaned in and kissed me. It was for less than a second and I didn't even have a chance to register her actions until she pulled away and grinned before getting up and walking away. 

After that, I was off school for a week because I was convinced I had some sort of STD. 

I decided I hated kissing after that experience and wasn't planning on doing it anytime after. I'd never had a real girlfriend before which people were always surprised about when I told them. I went on dates here and there but I was never into having to make a commitment to somebody else. 

Today, years after having my first kiss, I was now kissing the girl that I've had my eye on for months now and man was it a definite upgrade. 

Her lips were soft and gentle and she wrapped her arms around my neck. It was as if she'd done this thousands of times before from the way her lips moved against mine. It was perfect and the cliche thing to say would be that fireworks went off around us but instead, as I moved my arm, a plan pot fell off the balcony and smashed onto the ground. 

I missed the feeling of Marcie's lips on mine already. I looked up at her and saw her staring down at the broken plant pot. "It's okay Marcie, I'm not into gardening anyway."  I chuckled but that soon turned into a frown when she shook her head vastly and her shoulders started to shake. "Hey Marcie, it's okay." I reached out to her and tried to pull her into me but she took a step back and held her hand up. 

Her eyes met mine and I was confused to see tears pouring from her eyes. "Why did you do that?" She sobbed. 

"M-Marcie I didn't mean to upset you, I-I'm s-so-" 

"You just ruined everything!" She glared and I could tell this wasn't Marcie. Her eyes were dark almost black and her breathing was starting to pick up quickly. 

"Marcie, stop! This isn't you." I tell her and reach out for her but she swiftly dodges me and goes back into the apartment. 

"Is this what you wanted Harry? You wanted to make me like you so that I could come to your apartment and you could get into my pants?" She sobs. 

"No Marcie that's not the case at all. You know I would never do that." 

"THEY told me you would do this. THEY told me this would happen and I didn't listen. I knew I should have listened to THEM!" She cries. She starts to mumble things to herself and runs her fingers through her hair. 

"Marcie you can't let them win. This isn't you and you know it, don't let them control you please. You're so much stronger than them baby, so much stronger." I should have thought before kissing her. I should have known this would be her reaction. 

"You don't know me Harry. You know nothing about me!" She yells and I'm taken a back all of a sudden. 

"Maybe I don't know you're past but I know you now. I know the Marcie standing in front of me with the most beautiful brown eyes and softest lips. I know the Marcie who has a head full of a thousand thoughts and too  scared to share any of them but  strong enough to come into my apartment and see my butt naked roommate walk in by accident. I know I don't know your past Marcie but I would love to know everything about you." I watch her as she has an inward battle with herself and when I thought she had won, they completely took over.

"Leave me alone Harry!" She says, darkly and runs to the front door. Before I can catch her she slams the door opens and races down the stairs.

"MARCIE!" I yell and run after her. I watch her run down the stairs and so I get to the elevator and press the ground floor button multiple times. 

"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon." I whisper and sigh when the doors open. 

I look around the lobby and try to spot her but my heart speeds when I don't find her. "Shit." I shout and ignore the stares of the people looking at me. 

I take out my phone and try to call Louis, after a while he picks up. "How can I help you Harold?" He asks. 

"Louis, get down to the lobby now. I need your help. Marcie's made a runner and I don't know where she's gone and I'm scared she'll be hurt because she's never been in the city let alone this part of London." I rush.

"What did you do Harry?" He sighed.

"I'll explain everything later, you just got to help me. I need her to be safe Louis." I plead.

"I'm on my way." 



So I'm sad because I'm not seeing Harry or Niall but you know I could always pretend.

I did find out that I was going to see Katy Perry who has been my favorite singer since like 2012 pretty much and I am sooooo excited.

Sorry for the extremely slow updates. Schools killing me, my life's a mess and overall I feel like I'm going in a downward spiral all of a sudden but you know...no big deal.

*Please vote, comment and share!*

-Chloe xx

P.S. Thank you so so so much for all the votes, comments etc on Better and Greater. I've got 20k reads which is crazy! I love you <3

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