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My youth is yours
Runaway now and forevermore

M A R C I E 

I look down at my new, clean, white converse shoes that Harry had given me for this day in particular. I wear a yellow sundress and my hair is in a high ponytail because of the hot weather outside. 

"So, how are you feeling about today Marcie?" Doctor Andrews asks. 

"I'm happy, I'm nervous but I'm so happy." I tell him and he nods his head.

"I'm very proud of you Marcie. Not only have you found so much in your life but you've also learnt how to survive it all by yourself." Doctor Andrews congratulates me and I smile, a real smile.

"Thank you for helping me Doctor Andrews. None of this would have been possible without you." I tell him and he grins.

"It's not a problem Marcie and remember, just because you're leaving doesn't mean I won't be able to help you anymore. I will always be here if you need to talk."

Suddenly, the door opens and Mary and Jonathan are stood smiling at me. "Did you sign the papers?" I ask and they both nod, both of them looking at me with big smiles.

"Let's go my love." Mary places her hand on my shoulder and leads me out of the building. Jonathan chats with Doctor Andrews as we walk down the steps to the front of the hospital. I turn around and look at Doctor Andrews one last time.

He looks down at me and is shocked when I wrap my arms around him and hug him tightly, "Thank you for everything." I whisper and he rubs my back, telling me that everything is going to be okay now. "Goodbye Doctor Andrews." I say.

"Goodbye Miss Scott." He says back and Mary and Jonathan lead me to the car.

"Ready to go back home?" Jonathan asks and I nod but my idea of home was probably a little different to theirs.

Jonathan starts the engine and leaves the hospital. I stare out the window and admire the outdoors, it's been ages since I've left the hospital. A year to be precise. A year since everything happened with Austin and I was hurt and a year since Harry was told he couldn't work at the hospital anymore and I'd be all alone.

It was a long year, with lots of ups and downs believe me.

The first couple of months I had to get use to the idea of Harry not being with me and walking in through the door anymore. It took me a long time to understand that he wasn't going to be in the hospital anymore and I couldn't fully wrap my head around it. My nightmares were the worst and the voices used the time to their advantage and made me suffer but I was strong and i fought them. I overcame my nightmares and the voices in my head because all I could think about was leaving the hospital and being with my boyfriend.

I also passed my tutoring and can do basic maths and English and I even started learning a little science too but I don't like it very much. I love English and maths though. I love reading and working out equations is the most satisfying process. My reading has improved a lot and I owe it all to Harry who I read to a lot. Mary and Jonathan are planning to put me through home tutoring which I'm very excited about because I get to learn an extra two subjects.

Harry visited everyday. Doctor Andrews would laugh every time he found Harry at the entrance every morning as soon as visiting hours began. He would visit no matter what the circumstances were and there was nothing that could stop him. I love him so much.

He would always bring me new books every time I would finish one. He would always bring me new clothes from my home or even some of his clothes for me to wear. He brought me barbies too, a lot of Barbies. Which is why Jonathan had to carry a whole box of books and Barbies out of the hospital. As much as I didn't want Harry's gifts, he insisted I kept them and told me he wanted my hospital room to feel like a proper teenage bedroom.

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