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'Trying to keep faith and picture his face staring up at me.'


I walk into the hospital slightly later than ususal due to the amount of traffic on the road today. It was my first night that I didn't spend with Marcie. She was on watch because the nurses made a complaint saying that she hadn't been up to her normal ways and apparently that's 'extremely odd behaviour', so we had to seperate for the night which ended up with her in tears and me, well, feeling homesick.

"Ah Harry can I talk to you for a minute?" Doctor Andrews comes out of his office as I make my way to Marcie's room. We walk back into his office and he shuts the door behind him with a concerned look on his face, I begin to worry he knows about Marcie and I's antics. "We seem to have a problem with April's adoption."

"Really? I thought there's already a family willing to take her in? She was telling me all about it the other day." I say, remembering the conversation I had with April just the other day and how she was so excited because she went to a carnival and ate candy floss for the first time with a young man and woman, who were considering adopting her.

"Um, yes there was a family willing to take her in but, the couple have decided they want to wait a while since they're still trying to get tests done to see if they can still have children of their own." He tells me and I being to feel angry.

"Do they realise that they are messing around with a real child's life? For god's sake, April needs a normal life and stability whilst they're messing around with her, taking her out on day trips and then bringing her back to this place afterwards. She's not some doll they can take out and play with and then throw back into the doll house when they want to. She's a little girl who wants a real family." I rant.

"I know exactly what you mean Mr Styles, which is why we've had to tell them we can't go through with whatever it is they're doing. She is still on the adpotion list but it will take more time." He explains and my heart begins to hurt for April.

"She'll be heartbroken." I mumble and he agrees.

"She will indeed but that young girl has thick skin Mr Styles, I know she'll get through it."

We talk a little longer about April's adoption and the I go to leave his office to go see my girl but my heart drops when he speaks up again, "By the way Harry, how's everything with Marcie going?"

"M-Marcie, M-miss Scott? Oh yeah-um-yeah she's fine." I stutter and mentally smack myself for stuttering so much .

"I stopped to see her yesterday ater you left, she seems a lot better under your care." I smile and turn to leave again until I remembered the conversation I had with Marcie the other day and what I wanted to ask him.

"About that Mr Andrews, if Marcie is getting better is there anyway she can come out of hospital in the next couple of months?"

He peers over his glasses and then taken them off, laying them on his desk. "Well it depends on how well she's getting. She will have her tests done after a year of her being here and if she's safe and harmless she may be able to go home but it won't be that easy. She'll have people stopping by every now and then to check in and she'll need medication for her anxiety and to stop any of the dark thoughts she gets. It may not be in the net couple of months but in the forseeable future and from how well she's doing there is a higher chance of her leaving here in the next year." He explains and I have to try and stop myself from smiling.

"Okay." Is all I say, not wanting to burst out smiling or anything.

"Oh and Harry, her parents are visiting this morning." He tells me and I nod, finally leaving his office.

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