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Could you imagine the taste of your lips
If we never tried to kiss on the drive to Queens?
'Cause I imagine the weight of your ribs
If you lied between my hips in the backseat
And I imagine the tears in your eyes
The very first night I'll sleep without you.



I wake up with a mixture of emotions not really knowing what to do or what to think about everything that happened last night. I'm happy Harry found me, I'm sad I ran away from him in the first place, I'm confused as to why he kissed me but overall I think I just feel numb.

The feeling of the dirty man's hands on me makes me shiver. The images of him reaching down into his jeans makes me want to be sick. My cut hand reminded me that I had fought them and I was safe now in the arms of my hero but was it strange to say that I wish the dark voices in my mind made an appearance last night? The one and only time where I actually needed them they didn't come.

I hear a groan and I giggle a little as Harry moves and mumbles in his sleep. This man makes me feel alive in ways I could never describe. It's as if with him, all my emotions run free and I no longer have to think about my past or anything having the ability to hurt me. If I could I would stay with him forever but I'm an insane girl locked up in a mental hospital, no one would want that.

I wiggle around in Harry's arms which makes him huff and open his eyes. "Yes?" He asks and I smile a little.

"Hi." I whisper.

"Hello." He grins. I've never felt so safe in someones arms before.  I smile even wider at his morning voice and he rubs my back. I feel a slight pounding at the back of my head but he makes it all go away. "Marcie, we need to talk about everything that happened yesterday." Harry mumbles and my heart rate picks up, this is the last thing I want to talk about right now.

"Okay." I whisper and he sits up. I look down at my hands and fiddle with the bandage Harry used on my cut hand.

"What happened to you?" He asks and I didn't look up at him.

"Bad men Harry. Tried to hurt me and I got scared. One of them put their hands down their jeans and tried to attack me. I protected myself Harry, I tried real hard." I say in broken sentences so I didn't have to talk much. Tears rolled down my cheeks and I feel a warm hand cup my cheek.

"I'll kill him Marcie, I'll hunt him down and kill him." He says in the most aggressive voice I've heard him in.

"Nuh uh." I shake my head quickly and look into his beautiful, green eyes.

"This is all my fault isn't it?" He whispers.

"No, no, no." I tell him over and over. It's far from his fault, all he did was kiss me, I was the one that put myself into that danger, I was the one that ran away.

"Marcie, If I hadn't of kissed you then you wouldn't have ran away. Now, I'm not going to apologize for kissing you because, Marcie it was am-" I cut him off by planting my lips on his and his eyes go completely wide until he realises what's happening and his lips begin to move against mine.

Even I'm shocked at myself for being the one to make a move but all thoughts completely leave my mind when his soft lips move slowly against mine. Once we pull a part, our foreheads press against each other and I rub my nose against his. "I really like you Harry." I whisper.

"God, I really really like you Marcie." He whispers back and a feeling takes over me that I've never felt before. He presses his lips to mine again and I can't help but grin. "You're such a pretty girl." He says and my heart flutters.

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