The Escape

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I stared in disbelief at the demon in front of me. He sat, interlocking his fingers.

"Entertain me."

"Is this how it goes? Dance monkey dance? What am I, a pet?"

"That is precisely what you are."

"Well, I am NOT doing anything for you."

He remained eerily calm. it made me nervous, "Sit down, and shut up."

"And if I don't?"

"I will make you sit down and shut up." He said this through clenched teeth.

I remained standing for a second. Then, remembering the stories from Vergil, I sat.

"Good. Now remove your phone from your pocket, and call Vergil."

I gave him a funny look, "What?"

"Call Vergil and tell him where you are."

I did without hesitation. He picked up on the second ring.

"Cassi?! Where are you? Are you alright?"

His voice was a relief,  "Yeah. Aside from Mundus's crappy hospitality, I'm fucking great."

"Put him on speaker phone," Mundus growled.

I did so.

"Mundus," Vergil gritted.

"Vergil. So great to finally speak to you. It was only hours ago that you were last here, but you left in such a hurry, we never had a chance to talk."

"Well maybe if you'd quit kidnapping my friends, I would stay longer."

"Yes, you picked up quite the woman here. She is quite stubborn and determined. "

"She is not mine."

"You act like it. She is quite scared. Are you not?"

"I am not afraid of you. I just have the overwhelming urge to punch you in the face and drown you in your own blood."

I heard Vergil laugh from the phone. He acted as if he was buying more time. He was definitely up to something.

"So tell me, Mundus. If Cassi is being held prisoner by you, why are you letting her call me?"

Mundus smiled, "Because I want you to hurt. To suffer for killing my child last time, Vergil. I saw you kill my unborn child. I saw it all."

"Yes, that was quite the memorable time. And I took pleasure in doing it. Now I am not saying that killing unborn babies makes me happy, it is just killing your unborn babies that really gets me going."

Mundus's eyes narrowed, "Oh, just you wait till you have a child. I will tear it apart."

"Don't count on it."

Mundus's wicked smile appeared again, "And how are you going to stop me?"

"Oh, you will see. I have my secret weapon."

"Vergil," I said, "Is Jasmine alright?"

"Yeah, she's fine. Worried sick about you though."

"Did you tell her I am alright?"

"Yes, she knows."

"Well, nice talking to you, Vergil, but I am afraid that it is time for us to end this conversation."

"Like hell you are!"

"Oh, and Vergil? One last thing. You have until sunset to rescue your girlfriend here, or I will kill her myself. And it will not be pleasant."

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