Chapter 1: Ava.

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Hai. I know you might not like this. But please try it out and enjoy ;)

Ava's pov:
It's so mysterious. How you can find, beautiful secret places that haven't been explored yet. Isn't that sad? "Sweet heart" I was snapped out of my thoughts by my beautiful mother. "Yes mam?" I asked smiling. "Why don't you go put that new dress I got you on?" She asked and I just nodded.

"Honey you can go out after ok" She said and I smiled nodding. I went to my room, got dressed into a very lovely dress. It's a little modern though...

My name is Ava Moon Daughter of the Moon goddess. I am 18 years old and I have three siblings twin brothers and one sister. I'm the goddess of Nature while they are Gods and goddess of air, fire and water.

After getting dressed, I left my room. "Mom, may I go out now?" I asked. "Yes love, just be back by 9:30 pm" She said and I nodded. I sighed and left the house to a secret garden it is so beautiful here! It had flowers and a waterfall! It is really relaxing.
I could sleep here if I wanted but, mom would probably have a fit. I found this garden because, my sister was so annoying one day I got so angry and ran out of the house.

I'm glad I found this garden I can take care of it and feel calm here. I love Nature and its animals, bugs and insects. I love everything about it. So does my wolf! Her name is Ash she's a weird type of wolf. She's also a really pretty wolf. She's a gray, white, and a nude brown color. She's really strong and soft.


"Ava! Dinners ready!" Mom yelled. "Yes mam!" I yelled back leaving my room. "Ava your so beautiful but, I think there is something on your dress" My brother said laughing. I looked down and screamed. I WAS ON FIRE! "MOM HE DID IT AGAIN!" I screamed as Lauren my sister, the goddess of water put it out. "Stop it Ethan" She said sternly. When Lauren's mad that means you better stop or all hell well come loose.

He just laughed. That's it I've had it with his jokes and pranks, I made one of our flower plants in the house grow and tangled him in it's vines. "OW!" He yelled. "CHILDREN ENOUGH!" Mom screamed. Oh boy, we are in some deep trouble. "He started it mom!" Lauren and I shouted at the same time. "SIT AT THE TABLE AND NOT ANOTHER WORD!" She screamed. We all ran to the table. We know not to mess with mom when she's mad. I mean she is the Moon Goddess.

We sat in silence as we ate our dinner. Well that was until Lauren broke the silence. "Mom?" She questioned mom looked up from eating. "Yes love" She said calmly. "How do we know if we find our soulmates?" Lauren asked and Jordan my other brother choked on his drink mom started to smile. Not a smile that's happy but, a smile that says 'oh honey your so cute' smile.

"Well, the people and the world around you would stop and it would only be you and that person. There's also this sweet scent of your mate that only you would know." Mom explained. "Lauren your only 15." Ethan said astonished. "Ethan is right, isn't it a bit early for you to be thinking this?" Jordan asked. "Honey it can be 16 and up. She's not to young." Mom said smiling. I just smiled and kept eating. "Hey sis, what do you think?" Ethan said smirking at me. I just frowned and sighed. "I don't know I haven't dated or seen a mate since middle school." I said looking down at my hands fidgeting.

"Sis you'll find someone, someday." Ethan said smiling. "No probably not." I said sadly. "Excuse me." I said getting up and walking away to my room. I sighed and just sat on my bed, not knowing what to do.

"Hey Sis." I looked up as Jordan began to talk. "Yeah?" I asked. "Look Ethan didn't mean-." Jordan started but was cut off by mom. "Jordan go to bed you have school tomorrow." Mom said sternly. He just nodded and kissed my cheek leaving the room. I looked at mom and frowned.

"Do you think I'll ever find my other half?" I asked curiously. "Yes honey. Who knows you might meet them tomorrow or the next day." She said kissing my forehead. "Get ready for bed goodnight lovely." She said leaving.

I got dressed and went to bed. But what does she mean by tomorrow or the next day? I feel excited for some reason? I don't know why?

I turned out my lights then let everything around me turn black.
Hey guys hope you liked it. Because I enjoyed writing it.

Love~ the author

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