Chapter 20: Life.

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Hello lovely's I am thankful for all of you as I keep saying.

Also a shout out to a lot of people including you guys and if you guys want to make covers for me and send them that'd be amazing. :)

Anyway sorry for taking this up enjoy.

Ava's pov:
I was sitting on the coach minding my own business when my sister simply just happen to be screaming. I got up and ran to where she was and quickly looking like a fat penguin running like a jaguar.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" She screamed questionably. "I'm sorry I'm being such an ass but your mine." He said. I growled loudly and they both froze. "I ran in here for a fucking argument because she screamed?! Also tbh she isn't a object nor is she going to be disrespected like that do you here me young man!" I roared unhappily.

He gulped and so did she. "Yes mam!" They both yelled bolting the hell out of there like they were caught vandalizing something. Why were they even fighting? Forget it I need to go sit down.

Ugh my feet hurt. "Hey baby do you need a foot rub?" He said picking me up and setting me down gently on the cushioned couch. I just nodded and he rubbed swollen feet.

You know that awkward moment when your just sitting there minding you business and then you just happen to feel wet. As in my water broke. "He Xavier baby." I said calmly and he looked up. "My water broke." I said and as soon as those words left my mouth.

He grabbed me carefully and rushed me to his car. "Ok hang on babe I'm sorry to panic but, we will be at the hospital in ten." He said and my breathing hitched. I'm so glad I buckled up. As soon as that thought crossed my mind we were zooming past cars.

"Can you be careful I don't want us to get in a wreck." I said looking at his worried face. His face looked adorable. Also werewolf baby's grow faster than normal baby's do. It's like us werewolf's have twice as much as the humans do. Like periods and baby's and food and so much more.

We made it to the hospital and Xavier unbuckled me, got me out of the car and into the emergency room within two seconds. "BABY COMING!" He yelled panicked.


"Good news Luna you have twins." The doctor said and I huffed finally done with that excruciating labor pain. "They are both a boy and girl." She said and I smiled tiredly. 'Who knew we were going to have twins?' My wolf said tired as well from helping me.

I just smiled. I was the first one to hold both my baby's. "No pink and yes they are going to be bottle fed." I said handing them over to the nurse and slowly falling asleep. But jerking back awake.

"Ok and their names?" She asked. "Ever and Lucas." I said tired and she nodded handing them and showing Xavier how to hold the babies. I finally got to drift off the sleep.

Xavier pov:
They were both so beautiful. I could tell them apart because, of some of their similarities. They were so beautiful and handsome. Who knew we were going to have twins. I will never let anyone or anything harm them ever.

Their mom would have gotten into defense mode if I wasn't in the room and people were taking her baby's. After I got my share of my beautiful children I handed them to Kerry. Kerry smiled like she just had a new pet.

I've never seen her smile like that since we got her a frog in the eighth grade. I was happy too. Then my mom and brother got to hold them. We had to be careful because we didn't want them to get sick so the nurse took them and told Ava's mom and sibling they could come tomorrow.

Visiting hours were over for us anyway but I was the only one who got to stay.
Heyo yes I'm going to update all of my books more often since it's summer break and sorry it took so long for a small chapter :/ but I hope you guys liked it.

Love ya~the author

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