Chapter 6: Her heat.

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Hello I hope you like this chapter as well. It's going to be interesting.

Also I just wanted to thank you guys a lot :) for reading this book.

Ava's pov:
I woke up feeling heavy sweat all over me. I looked at an alarm clock. It's 3:50 am in the morning. My heats starting. I try to sit up but, a wave of heat hits me.

I scream. It feels like  someone is constantly banging you against a concrete wall, or a sledge harmer hitting every where! Another wave hits and more sweat drizzles down my skin. I scream louder because, I feel like I'm burning. Xavier jumps up in a protective stance.

"Xavier I need a lot." I cut off screaming and rolling over. "Cold w-water please." I finished. He just nodded and grabbed me. He put me in his huge tub then started to run cold water.

The thing about us, Nature and water goddesses, is we need a lot of water. Like we have to be in a huge ball of water. "Call my s-sister n-now!" I yelled and he stormed out of the bathroom calling her. "She's on her way!" "Also why didn't you tell me?!" He asked yelling. "Listen I told you I didn't want you to worry." I said.

"Alpha there is someone at our borders." Xavier's beta said. A wave of sickness now hits me. I have four waves that I get hit with. Screaming, sickness, breathing, and rage. I jumped out of his tub and threw up as much as I could until stomach acid was all you could see.

"Let them in!" He yelled coming to me. "I can't be beside you." I threw up again. "When my fourth wave hits." I said breathlessly. "Baby no I'm going to be by your side." He said. Here comes breathing. Can't breathe! I'm suffocating "Get her outside now Xavier Sanders!" His mom yelled helping him.

She threw me outside. "Xavier stand back. That's an order!" His mom said shouting at him. My sister is here! "Sis help me please." I whispered. "Sis I'm so sorry I wasn't here faster but, I can't until the last wave hits." I growled. "There she is." My sister cried.

"What do you mean?!" Xavier shouted. "Now I can't control myself." I said smirking my eyes a murderous red. I grabbed vines from trees far away. I grabbed something with the vines and broke it. "Stop it Ava." Someone said.

I looked over to see the moon goddess. "Now Lauren!" She said. Then water was all around me lifting me up off the ground. I couldn't breathe. I tried moving. Oh wait. That feels nice. "You done Ava?" Mom said, I nodded embarrassed.

"Give her air bubbles Lauren." Mom said and I just relaxed after I got an air bubble so I could breath. I think it was now 7 am because, the sunrise was happening.

So beautiful.

Then I fell asleep.

~Xavier pov:)
She was in like a rage. A rogue rage. Is this what always happens for her heat? You dumb ass did you forget that she's a goddess? My wolf asked. No dude! I yelled. Well if this helps you out. The goddesses gets their heats worse than any other female wolf. He said. Oh ok. Yeah shit head. Now go get our mate before they let her fall. He said blocking me out.

He's an asshole. I looked up at my mate.

So beautiful.

She was falling right after she fell asleep. I ran to her and caught her in my arms. I moved her wet hair out of her face and looked at her. My beautiful mate.

She's literally my world.

"Thank you for taking care of my daughter." Her mother said. I bowed with respect. "Thank you for making her feel better." I said. "Is it ok if you spend the night for tomorrow?" She asked. "Anything for you moon goddess." "Thank you, your very loyal." She said.

"Also thank this beautiful mom you have for protecting you." She said.


After all that I put Ava in bed and then I fell asleep with her in my arms.

It has been a few hours. "Xavier." A beautiful voice said. "Baby?" It asked. I rolled over now on my shoulder and side. "Baby." It whined. It started to kiss up my neck on my jaw and towards my lips. They kissed my lips sparks went everywhere.

I opened my eyes to see my beautiful mate. I kissed her back roughly. She bit back a moan, I smirked. I flipped us over so I was on top of her. I licked her lips and she denied my access. I grabbed her boob and she gasped. I took that time to French kiss her getting every inch of her mouth.

She moaned. We finally stopped kissing. "Mark me Xavier." She said. "Make the boys see that I'm yours." She said lustful. "It may hurt at first." I said. I kissed up her jaw slowly. She moaned loudly. There it is! Her sweet spot! I started to mark her.

She screamed and I covered her mouth with my hand. She started to moan again, I kissed her lips. "Go to sleep baby." I said and she fell backwards falling asleep. I got up and went to do pack business.
If this is short I am very sorry but, I updated. I hope y'all liked it. ;) I love you guys.

Love~ the author

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