Chapter 9: Skipping?!

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Well I hope you like this chapter.

Xavier pov:
I can't believe I did it?! I convinced her to skip! 'Your a fuckin idiot, her moms gonna kill her.' My wolf chuckled. I rolled my eyes and smiled. I can't believe I have such a beautiful and loyal mate. I don't want to ever let her go.

"Baby can you like let me sleep for an hour or two?" She asked in her raspy voice. Man that's sexy. "Sure baby." I said laying down with her in my arms. As she lay there asleep. I looked at every detail on her face and the way she was. Her hair was sprawled out on her pillow and her lashes slightly touching her skin and her plump lips a little chapped.

I feel bad for her. She has to go to school still but, at least it's her last year. I only go to her school to finish some things. Like drama and fights or things that get out of hand.

Anyway I laid back down beside her cuddling her into my chest. I started to go back to sleep. Darkness was consuming me slowly but rapidly.

Ava's pov:
I was so tired I went back to sleep and I didn't wake up until four hours later. I told him to get me up in two hours and he didn't! Im going to be in so much trouble! Moms gonna kill me. 'Heh yeah she is.' My wolf remarked. 'Oh shut up your not helping.' I shot back and she blocked me out.

I was trying to get up but, Xavier's biceps and muscles weren't helping. He has really big biceps! I touched them. He's so strong! I can't believe I have such a sexy beast of a mate?! He's so bad on the outside but, sweet on the inside.

I wanted to get up and pee, and get dressed so I trailed my fingers up and down his biceps. He was now awake then on top of me. He kissed my mark and sucked on it. I began to moan. "Babe I need to use the restroom." I whispered. "Why are you wet baby." He whispered by my ear and I shivered.

"No but, I will wet your bed." I said smirking and he stopped letting me go. I ran to the bathroom and peed. Then I brushed my teeth and hair. After all that I went back to bed. He kissed up my neck, I bit back a moan.

I can tell that the mate bond has gotten stronger! I couldn't help but, feel how strong it was. Xavier started to nibble on my mark. "Xavier." I moaned and he growled. I can't do this yet I'm not ready.

I have to get married first before I have sex, or when I'm completely out of school. "Xavier baby I can't right now." I said and he groaned. "Babe." He whined. "I know I'm sorry." I said and he just smiled a little.

What this boy does to me.

"It's ok." He said smiling. "Isn't your sisters birthday in like a couple days now?" He asked smirking. "Yeah but, after prom." I said and his face dropped a little. "Oh ok. Sorry angel. I love you." He said. "It's ok my devil, I love you too." I said touching my nose with his.

I kissed his lips and he kissed me back. He finally let go of me and I quickly got up then went to the closet. I picked out some black jeggings with pockets and a white shirt, with some converse. When I came back out he growled. "That was uncalled for." He said huffing, I laughed.

He got up right after I did and kissed my cheek. Then went to go get dressed. I on the other hand wanted some Nutella. I went downstairs into the kitchen to find, and guess who? Alex! Surprise!

I didn't feel like dealing with her so I just looked in the cabinets to see if we had Nutella. I finally found the Nutella but, there was a slight problem. Alex had the jar of goodness in front of her. "Hey Luna I'm really sorry. Thank you for teaching me a lesson and I'm sorry about the way I treated you." She said and I was shocked.

My mouth was hung open. "That's, ok." I said my mouth wide. "So can we try again?" She asked, once again shocking the hell out of me. Not knowing what to say I just nodded. Is this even real?

'Hey sweets you might want to shut your mouth before something flys in.' My wolf burst out laughing. I closed my mouth and went back upstairs forgetting about the Nutella.

I also don't think I'm going out today. I'm starting to get really bad cramps. I just realized my period is tomorrow. She wolfs have periods much worst than other females.

Tomorrow is gonna be tough for Xavier. I feel bad for him. "Xavier, hun!" I yelled. "Yes baby?" He came up to me, then hugged me. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Do you think you could take me to the store today?" I asked turning a little pink.

"Yeah sure baby but, what for?" He asked and I turned red. "My monthly starts tomorrow." I mumbled. "I'm sorry what?" He asked turning a bit pink. "I start tomorrow" I said still red as a balloon. "Oh boy" he said, I just nodded.

"We will go tomorrow, something popped up today and I've got to go finish it." He said kissing my forehead and leaving me there speechless. That's it I'm so done with his pack business! That makes me upset! I'm going to watch thirteen reasons why with his sister and eat ice cream!
Hello I'm sorry if this was cringy lol. But if you enjoyed it that's great bc, I uploaded yay! Also if there is some spelling problems ignore them bc, I'll fix it later.

Love~ The author

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