Chapter 18:Stressful

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Just enjoy there's no note until the bottom.

Xavier's pov:
I missed Ava that night. I just, I have bad experiences with baby's. Like I don't know if I'm ready for one yet? But Ava is right I did make love to her and even for the first time it was bound to happen. I was sort of happy for her, but it was stupid to argue about it.

'You are. a. fucking. dumb. ass!' My wolf shouted. 'You hurt her feelings because she thought you would be happy for her.' He said snorting. 'I'm on her side, this isn't stupid. That baby's your fault and it is a child not an it.' He said growling. 'I won't talk to you until you make up with her.' He said blocking me out.

Ugh fuck!

I'm not going to make up with her yet. I've got things to do and then I'll go see her. 'NO YOU WONT!' My wolf shouted. 'By the way I let your moms wolf here every thing.' He said and my face dropped.

Ok I'm scared of my momma!

"XAVIER!!!" She roared and I jumped. "Momma listen it's-" I got cut off. "NO YOU LISTEN TO ME, I WILL BEAT YOUR ASS NO MATTER HOW OLD YOU ARE!" She roared. "What in the fuck were you thinking? Stupid! No your the stupid one for that argument she wanted you to be happy for her and also I know about bad experiences. You have to overcome them or just get over them. It's your baby." She said angrily.

"You hurt her. I can't believe you right now! Your going to do the right thing not the wrong and I'm gonna give you a little push! Think about what she said and what you did!" She yelled "Ava's strong, your on a thin line here son, that's my grandchild and I'm happy about it, SO WAKE THE FUCK UP!" She yelled I jumped.

"Also this is your fault, you may not like it but you did make love to her that was your choice." She said leaving the room and slamming the door.  I sighed heavily. She's right I did argue over a baby. Why do I feel so stupid? I guess I need to find her.

I need her!

I'm supposed to cherish my mate. I'm supposed to support her. I love her.

I wonder what she is doing now? Well can't find out if I don't see her or find her soon. So I got up off of our squishy soft, puffy bed. My feet hit the cold floor and then I walked towards her sent. If she's at the girls cabin, I'm not aloud to be there.

Ava's pov:
I just woke up and I felt a very soft pillow on the side of my face. It was so soft I moved closer into the pillow. Strange the sun was up before me. Did I wake up late? Eh whatever it felt nice to get some sleep. "Are you awake now?" Kerry asked and I jumped up not realising I slept on her and her boob? "Sorry! I said squeaking turning red. "It's ok." she said laughing. I started to feel very sick. I ran to the bathroom and emptied everything from my stomach. Kerry held my hair and wiped my mouth. "You feel better now?" she asked and I nodded. I'm hungry, I want Strawberries and  chicken. "I want to eat chicken and strawberries" I said happily. "Ok I think we might have some in the fridge." she said smiling and going to get it .

Kerry came back with chicken and strawberries. "You know your mate should be doing everything I'm doing right now instead of acting like a little bitch." She said and I giggled. Then we heard a big boom! "Ah the new traps got one of the guys." She said smirking and I smiled.

We looked out the window and saw, guess who? Xavier! Surprise! I am still upset at him. "Smart ladies but, that's not as good as our traps are!" He yelled. "Aye little bitch come here to apologize?" Kerry said and I laughed. "Ava baby I'm sorry and please forgive me of how stupid I was, I'm a poo poo head." he said and I laughed. He's going to have to work harder than that."I accept your apology but, your going to have to work harder than that." I said and he groaned. "Ok babe." he said.
So for my next book will be out soon and also I hope you guys not only like this one but my next one.

love ya

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