Chapter 3: Food is the key to her heart.

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I hope you enjoy.


Xavier's pov:
I had a funny feeling today but, I always blew it off. That was until I smelt her scent today. Flowers and coconut scent. It smelt nice. My mate! I can't wait to meet her. I was snapped out of my thoughts when everyone in the room started to laugh. I looked up and saw who they were laughing at. Wow my mates beautiful! I'm not gonna laugh at her.

She was smiling at everyone laughing at her until she saw me. Why was she smiling? She stared at me for a second. Then she ran out of the room with her things. I got up and chased after her. Also who the hell was that guy she was talking to earlier in class today? Anyway can't worry about that now, I have to get to her!

Ava's pov:
He is chasing after me? My mate! Ugh where do I go? I'll just run outside! I ran outside sprinting. Until my clumsy self tripped over a tree. Shit! That hurt like a bitch! It's gonna be bruised tomorrow. I got up and tried to run away. Key word, was tried. I looked at my mate. I began to speak.

"I am Ava Moon, daughter of the Moon Goddess and the Goddess of nature. Who are you? I questioned.

"I am Xavier Sanders, son of an Alpha. Im your mate." He said, I smiled. "Well I have to be going now so if you excuse me." I said trying to run away. Again key word, was trying. I was pushed up against a tree. I groaned because, it hurt. Someone growled. It sounded like Ethan. Ethan! Oh shoot! Uh oh! "Who the hell is this Ava?!" He asked yelling, Xavier growled. "Ethan dear brother this is my mate and if he doesn't let go in zero point three seconds I'm going to hurt him." Xavier looked at me and smirked. My wolf is about to kill him because, he is hurting me. "How?" He asked smirking. He asked for for it!

"Ava don't do it!" Jordan came out yelling. To late, my eyes turned silver. I pushed him off me by making a tree slam into his back. He groaned and growled in pain. I growled louder. "SEE DOESN'T THAT HURT!" I yelled growling. My wolf took control over me because I felt like killing  him.

"Again my human is the goddess of Nature, if you ever hurt her again I'll kill you!" She yelled. Xavier's face flashed hurt and regret. "Ava I'm so sorry I didn't mean too." He said. I'm still pissed! "Ethan and Jordan we are going home now!" She yelled. "Get up Dog. Your coming to meet my mother." She said harshly her eyes flashing gold and white.


"So that's how you guys met? Today?" Mom said and I nodded still mad. "I'll get you food just please stop being mad at me." He said. I perked up when food was mentioned. "Ok what type of food?" I asked smiling. He smiled joyfully. "Pizza." He said. I hugged him tightly. "Yay!" I yelled. Lauren and mom laughed while the boys glared at my mate. "Ethan, Jordan be nice." I said. "Order the pizza." I said and kissed Xavier on the cheek. He just nodded, getting his phone out ordering six pizzas.

We all ate the pizza when it got here and had left overs! "So we need to talk." I said giggling then sitting down. "So I want to take it slow and get to know you more, since you are my mate." I said, he just nodded.

"Alright I agree with you but, I am possessive, I will get jealous with you talking to any kind of boy. My love you. are. Mine." He growled out and I patted his cheek. Then I kissed his cheek. "I know handsome. Same here." I said.

"Also your going to be Luna of my pack, so we are going to have a pack meeting in two days." He said and my eyes widened. "Two days! Babe I have to pack and stuff?!" I yelled frantically. He smirked and kissed my forehead. "Well Mrs. Luna you better start packing." He said laughing. "Also your going to have to wear a very special dress." He said leaving. I looked at my mom and siblings shocked.

How y'all like that cliff hanger ;)

Sorry. Also I have testing next week so, I'm probably gonna be slow on updating. But I hope you guys enjoyed it.

Love~The author

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