Chapter 14: Awaken

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Hiya hope you enjoy the chapter and thanks again :)

Ava's pov:
I finally got to move my eye lids. Now all I have to do is open them! I have to try harder to open my eyes! Also it stinks in this place! I feel dirty?

Anyway focus Ava open your eyes! 'Open your eyes love open them.' "We hope you get better Luna." "Can't wait for you to get better Luna." All these mind links said and my wolf said to open my eyes.

But why am I just getting them now? How long was I out? Finally!

My eyes are opening! It's like my eyes have this thick crusty stuff on my lashes? I opened them to a hospital room that was a little bright but, I could finally see again!

Why am I in the hospital? "Your awake, sis I missed you so much." Someone said. Wait is it Kerry? I remember something!

"Kerry what happened?" I asked confused. "You probably have a lot of questions but Xavier will be here soon so he can answer them ok." She said smiling and crying. "Don't cry it's ok." I said looking at her. "I'm just happy your awake." She said sobbing. "Everyone was worried and they even gave you get well gifts and prayers." She said pointing at some things.

Wow! Look at all the food! All the stuffed animals and cards. My eyes widen. "Wow I feel special at the moment." I said out loud and I heard a man laugh. "That's because you are very special lovely." He said.

"Xavier?" I questioned. "Yep sweetheart that's me, you have any questions?" He asked smiling. "Yes." I said curious. "Your so cute and innocent, ok what are they?" He said asking, smiling brightly.

"What happened to me? Why was I having strange dreams? Is everyone ok? Why do I have so many presents? How long was I out? Why does it stink? Why is my head pounding? And who was all here with me?" I asked.

"First of all wow and second, you were in a coma and I don't know why you were having strange dreams? Everyone is fine worry about yourself baby. Everyone came and gave you get well presents. You were out for three weeks and Kerry hasn't taken a shower and some of its you. I don't know why baby? Your head is pounding because of how much blood you loss. Kerry and I was here with you." He said all in one breath.

"Oh, ok." I said slowly. "Well hello, hello, nice to see that your awake dear!" "How's your head?" The doctor 0asks. "It's pounding." I whimpered. "Well Luna we are gonna give you some medicine, you have to take until you feel better, also for the first couple of days you'll have to take everything easy ok." He said smiling happily.

"Ok" I said smiling. "Let me get her release papers and get those needles out of her arm then you guys can go." He said grabbing Xavier and making him walk with him. I smiled happy and so did Kerry.

Xavier's pov:
The doctor grabbed me and made me start walking with him and he grabbed some release papers then gave them to me. "She doesn't have a cracked skull thankfully, she's ok, you guys may go home." He said, I nodded walking back with him into the hospital room.

"Luna I'm going to get these off of you ok." He said pulling off the needles slowly and then giving her, her clothes. She has been wearing a hospital gown for a couple of days.

"Thank you doc." She said. "Xavier carry me." She said with wide eyes and I smiled. "Ok." I said.


Ava's pov:
As soon as we got home I made Kerry help me take a bath and change my pad. I was finally off my period! She washed my hair really good and then after she was all finished with my bathing she did my hair in a braid.

"I love you Kerry, your the best sister any girl could ask for." I said and started to think about Lauren. I miss my family. I miss my sister and my mom. My brothers. I miss them a lot.

Kerry had put a night gown over my head and carefully walked me to bed in case I got dizzy and lost my balance. She tucked me in and kissed my forehead. She walked to the door turned out the lights then left the room.

I still can't believe I got so many gifts? I started to finally drift off to sleep, until I had a terrible vision. I screamed. The vision was about Rogues attacking us at night but I can't tell when?

"I'm so sorry don't hurt me." I cried "baby it's ok it's just me, I love you get some rest, I'll be by your side." He said and hugged me laying down. I just nodded and cried myself to sleep in his arms.
YEET. Hello I hope you enjoyed it, it will get better in the next chapter ;)

Thank you guys sm again for all the comments, support, and I love you guys. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and is prepared for the next.

Much love~ the author

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