Chapter 21: TWINS?!

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I hope you like this chapter and everything. I love you guys thanks for supporting this book :) also one more shout out to all the people who comment in my book.

Lots of love. Enjoy. No authors note at end.

Lauren pov:
"Can you believe she has twins mom!" I yelled and she laughed at my excitement and my mate chuckled. "Yes honey it's quite surprising." She said smiling and my brothers sighing. What's even with them? They are always fun to be around and now they are just really boring. What's up with them today anyway.

I can't wait to see my sister and her baby's again. Xavier's ok I guess. I wonder if the whole pack knows? Hmmmm. "Babe what are you thinking?" My mate asked. "My sister love." I said smiling.

"We came to see the lovely children and yourself as well my little fairy bug." Mom said and Ethan smiled. I was almost sad that mom didn't tell her. Her earth powers will soon die if she is to tired to carry on the thing she was born with because of her children. It would be sad. But her decision, but is that why my brothers are so sad? I thought and had a tear roll down my cheek.

"Sis don't cry be happy." Ethan said. I just nodded putting my head down and let my bangs hide my face. But I stopped crying when something happened. A light. A really bright one shined on me. It made me see flowers and beautiful trees around me and I smiled.

"Now I'm glad to have made you smile." Ava said smiling a little weakly. "If you are going to ask about my powers I'm not giving them away until I die." Ava said and everyone gasps and Xavier growled. "Don't ever say anything about you dying ever again." He said nuzzling his face into her shoulder.

"I will not give the thing I was born with and happy with up." "Sorry." She said tiredly. "It's ok dear." "We understand." Mom said smiling sadly.


Ava's pov:
After Lauren held the babies of mine, we were admitted to leave finally. I feel so tired is that normal?

Anyway. I'm glad to be a mom now. A happy one at that. I wonder if the pack knows about the twins? Hmmmm. I thought as I looked out the window of the car. "I'm so glad we get to go home and rest." I said smiling.

He smiled at me and Goddess his smile.

His smile is still mine to see everyday.

His beautiful Luna Where stories live. Discover now