Chapter 11: Mad love!

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Again I'm writing this at school. Ugh :( But anyway, I hope you guys enjoy it.

Song: Mad world.

Ava's pov:
I woke up upset and still a little tired. But it was morning with the bright beautiful sun, shining through my window. I'm still upset at Xavier don't get me wrong but, ugh can he not trust me?! I got up and made the bed I slept in then left the room.

Kerry was sleeping on the couch. So I decided to make Nutella pancakes and bacon. After making breakfast and eating, I decided to go get dressed while Kerry began to get up.

I got dressed into a white tank top and some jeans and red converse. I threw my hair up into a ponytail and left the room once again. Kerry was eating her breakfast so, I decided to find something that sort of matches my outfit.

After doing that I sat on the couch and turned on the tv. School starts in a hour.

Kerry went to go get dressed and after she was done she grabbed her red beanie and her bag then her car keys. We started to leave after I grabbed my things. We got into Kerry's car then went to school.


Half the day passed and now it's lunch. I saw my brothers and my sister and Kerry. "So happy birthday sis, stop by later and we'll do whatever." I said smiling and she smiled and nodded. "Do you think I'll get to find my mate today?" She asked squealing. I nodded then looked at my food.

"Speaking of mates how's Xavier?" My sister asked. "Good." I mumbled. "Your lying." She said. "So Kerry have you found your mate?" I asked changing the subject and she laughed. "Yeah actually, he's out of town for a few months." She said smiling and I smiled at her. "So do I have to burn your mate sis?" My brother asked.

"No, he just pisses me off like, if I'm luna and your mate shouldn't I have the right to know about the pack  business too?" I asked getting annoyed. "Well yeah duh that's what your supposed to know." Kerry said scrunching her eyebrows. "Like I said my brothers an idiot." She said sighing as the bell rang.

"I agree with that." My brothers both said in unison. I shrugged and threw my trash away. "We're leaving, come on Kerry." I said grabbing her arm and going to the car with our things. "I'm sooo tired." I said and yawned. "I can take you home baby."

I looked up at the voice. It was him. No way in my generation I thought I would ever see him again. "Jason?" I asked. My ex boyfriend. He went Rogue just two years ago, that's strange.

"What are you doing here, do you have anything to do with the rogue attack?" I asked politely. He used to beat me up and emotionally drag me down. But I strangled him with some vines from my friend Mother Nature and he stopped, then left me.

"Yes, however I came for you. They want you my love." He said. I rolled my eyes wait a minute, my love? They? "What are you talking about?" I asked getting a hint. 'Kerry get in your car now' I mind linked her. Knowing what was about to happen as I figured out their plan.

"Well you know what forget I asked, I got to go." I said trying to leave but, he grabbed my arm roughly. So rough I screamed in pain. 'Luna's in trouble.' Someone said through mind link. "Let go Jason your hurting me!" I yelled. 'Kerry stay in the car and lock the doors now!' I mind linked.

I pushed him off of me finally. I used my Nature goddess powers to make a branch hit him and he looked towards the branch. That was my chance to run. I ran to Kerry's car. But instead of getting into it, I was grabbed by my hair and slammed down on concrete four times.

All I could hear were people screaming and growling. All I could feel was hurt and warm liquid beside my head. "Baby please wake up." " P." After all that and the tiring things I had to put up with.

I shut down completely. I blacked out.

I'm sorry I let you down!

Yo hello. Sorry if this was cringe and stupid and to much drama for a chapter. lol I know I'm bad, or this chapter is bad.

Your probably thinking wth just happened or wth did she do?! Ikr! Ok sorry but, I updated :))

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