Chapter 8: Pack Meeting!

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Hope you enjoy :)

Ava's pov:
After I got done with my run I ran upstairs to Xavier and I's room. I got dressed into some pajama pants and a black shirt. "Everyone in this pack meet me in the family room. Now! It's a pack meeting!" I said through mind link. Then I waited for Xavier to come back and get dressed so he can come with me.

After a few minutes he was here getting into some basketball shorts and a white v-neck shirt. He kissed my cheek then grabbed my hand. We both walked downstairs and into the family room. I went in front of all the pack members.

"As you know I'm your Luna! And I really don't like to fight, so please don't make me! I care about everyone in this pack! I may not be the perfect luna but, I can try!" I yelled and they all cheered. "Any questions?!" I shouted once more.

"Yes actually." Someone said. "Yes" I said smiling at them. "Will you be willing to protect us?" They asked. "Yes I will always protect you guys." I said. "Why did you give Alex the shirt off your back?" Someone asked. "Because I made a truce with her and I would do anything for this pack even if they didn't like me." I said, they nodded.

"Thank you guys for your time. You are dismissed." I said and they all left out of the room.


"Babe are you hungry?" Xavier asked, I nodded. "What do you feel like eating baby?" He asked. "Food what else?" I asked giggling and he gave me an 'are you serious' look. "Fine, tacos." I said. "Want to go to Taco Bell?" He asked.

"Sure, let me get ready." I said going to the closet. I picked out some blue skinny jeans and a purple shirt with some converse. "Ok I'm ready I said.


After we went out to eat we got ready for bed early because, school was tomorrow. Speaking about school, prom is gonna be in about one month. Then my sisters birthday.

I wonder what Xavier has planned for me?

Anyway, that's a month away and I'm tired so I'm going to bed. As soon as I got into bed Xavier held me in a protective manner. He had his arm around my waist, my back against his chest and his other arm around my shoulders.

We both let darkness consume us as we went to sleep.



The sunrise was rising and I was ready to get up but, Xavier wouldn't let go of me. "Xavier." I whined. "Five more minutes." He mumbled. "Did my mom go home by any chance?" I asked. "Buhuh uh huh." He mumbled.

I had an idea. I rubbed my hand up and down his arm, then to his chest and then down his abs. "Baby don't do that." He whined sitting up with me in his arms. I kissed his cheek and he kissed my lips. I pulled away slowly. "Babe school." I said and he frowned.

"Babe it's Monday, why?" He asked. "Because mom will kill me." I said and he smirked. "No what ever it is your thinking absolutely not Xavier Sanders." I said firmly. He smirked at me and went down to my ear. "Want to skip for the first time babe?" He whispered smiling.

His smile. I just died.

Dramatic little thing. My wolf cackled. I love my wolf just as much as she loves me but, 'shut it Ash.' I said trying to conceal my smile.

"Fine I'll skip with you." I smiled.
Oh I feel like someone is going to get caught and into trouble.

Anyway hey. How's a going? I finally updated and my exams are over :)) YAY!

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