Chapter 12: Coma.

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Heyo another chapter coming at you. Lovely right. ;) Also thank you guys for reading and supporting my book. I love the comments :)

One more thing. This is a little sad, so I'm very sorry.

I hope you guys enjoy this one.

Xavier's pov:
Don't let her die on me goddess please. Please. I love her so much and I'd kill myself before I'd ever see her die knowing we got into a fight before. "Baby please wake up." "Baby please wake up." I tried. She was still breathing I called our pack doctor and kissed her cheek. Who ever attacked her got away.

Kerry was scared for the first time in her life. She was terrified and traumatized after seeing what happened to Ava. She looked pale her eyes were a little dilated and her body, was shaking. "Kerry sis it's ok no ones going to hurt you I promise." I said but she wouldn't talk. Not a word came out of her mouth.

Not even when my mate went to the hospital in an ambulance. Not when people asked her or mom. She never said a word. Not one. She was silent. She sat by Ava and never left her side, she loved Ava. She touched her face and looked at her. As if saying 'please don't die I love you sister!'

If I told her about the Rogue attack a long time ago this wouldn't have happened! If I protected her a little better, this wouldn't have happened! This is all my fault! My sister fell asleep on a small love seat that was here. She's been there since she came into the hospital never leaving Ava's side.

Always there.

Why wasn't I there? Why couldn't I have been there? This is all my fault. I began to cry and I've never really cried a lot. I looked at Ava carefully looking at her features. Her tan skin pale, her eyes closed, her eyelashes touching her face. Her body looked limp and cold. There was blood all over her head.

I got up and tucked her in. I was waiting for the doctor. The doctor came in and I stood up. "She's in a coma, maybe for a couple of weeks she's lost a lot of blood but, your lucky she's still living." He said and my heart almost stopped. "Thank you doctor." I said.

"Your welcome, she's also lost some strength and we need to feed her through a feeding tube." He said and I nodded understanding. "Thank you doctor I'll be back tomorrow." I said leaving the room. As soon as I was out of the hospital. Ava's sister and mom and two brothers were there.

Her brothers didn't look so happy. "I'm going to burn you to a fucking flame!" Ethan yelled. "Don't Ethan!" They all yelled. "I'm not proud of you right now son." The moon goddess said. "My tears are beginning to make a sea." Lauren said shaking her head. I nodded my head running off.

I ran and changed into my wolf, whimpering, and howling. I feel like a coward! Ugh. 'Alpha you need to calm down.' Beta mind linked me. I calmed down a little bit and went to the pack house.

I need to get things off my mind. I changed back to human form and put some shorts on. I got a suitcase and put some clothes in it and then went back to the hospital.

I can't believe I let my mate down. I feel so fucking terrible and tired!


People in the pack and even at school came to see her in the hospital. Even Alex came and dropped by. They all left little gifts like, cards, flowers, Nutella, chocolate, and dr. Pepper and finally stuffed animals big and small.

It feels like weeks. I've read books to my mate. I told her I loved her everyday. It slowly was helping. She was moving and her skin was getting back to its natural color. She was getting a bit stronger.

I can't wait until she wakes up!
Sorry if this was short and terrible but, heyyyy I updated :)

Love you guys

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