Chapter 10: Girls night!

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Hello I hope you guys enjoy this because I'm writing most of it in school :( Also I updated ;)

Enjoy and also song by: harry styles ;))

Ava's pov:
I went downstairs and got some mint chocolate chip ice cream, then I called Kerry and asked her to come over.  I told her everything that happened today. She said she'd be here in fifteen minutes. It's been an hour!

There was a knock at the front door. "I got it!" Someone yelled and got the door. It was Kerry with, jerky, cupcakes, pads, sweets, a dr. Pepper and some pepperoni pizza. I ran to her and hugged her tightly and whispered in her ear. "Thanks so so much sis, I love you." She laughed. "Don't worry sis I got you. Now let's go watch some Netflix, in the little cabin." She said smiling.

I nodded. We both walked outside into the middle of the woods into our small cabin. It's only girls no boys. The boys have there own cabin too. "Don't worry about my brother, he can be an idiot. He also gets really grossed out by periods." She said laughing and I laughed too.

"So that's why he made an excuse?" I asked laughing a little. "Yeah probably, he does it every time." She said laughing and sitting down, putting our drinks and food down on the coffee table. I giggled and grabbed a blanket and the remote. We covered up and turned on Netflix.

The first thing we ate was our ice cream. She had cookie dough and I had mint chocolate chip. We literally ate in the matter of 20 minutes. We went through a lot of food.

Then we went through being mad, depressed, and just laughing like we were insane! "We should call it a night." She said sighing and I sighed too. "Yeah we should." I said and she smiled. "Tonight was fun lets have another girls night sometime." She said laughing, I laughed with her.
I haven't had this much fun since middle school. "Ok" I said. 'Luna and the whole pack this is a warning, there are rogues on the border of our territory, wherever you are get somewhere safe.Now!' Beta yelled serious. Kerry started to panic a little.

'Baby are you ok? Where are you.' Xavier mind linked me. 'I'm ok baby but, what's going on? I'm at the girls cabin.' I said. "Lock all the windows and the door." Kerry said and I did. "Everything is secure." I said and she nodded.

'Damn, baby please be safe.' He said. After he said that a rock had flew threw the glass. I picked it up. It said 'its war.' Why would it say that? Xavier is hiding something from me and that pisses me off. Can't he fucking trust me?

I unlocked the door and ran out turning into my wolf. I was livid. A wolf emerged from the woods and it was a Rogue. He lunged at me and I snapped his neck leaving him there running towards the pack house.

I went in and to Xavier and I's room and changed into some shorts and an oversized blue shirt. I stomped to Xavier's office. I slammed the door open and growled.

I slammed the rock down onto his desks in front of him making his beta and Gemma jump, he looked up. "YOU ARE HIDING SOMETHING FROM ME, CAN YOU NOT TRUST ME?!" I growled, my chest moving up and down quickly.

"Oh shit." Beta Said. "I've never seen a female this pissed ever." Gemma said. "Babe I do trust you it's just." He tried "Just what?!" I growled. "I don't want you hurt." He said sighing.

"Fuck you." I said growling and storming off towards our room and grabbing pjs, walking back to the girls cabin slamming the door.

"Woah girl I've never seen you this mad before." Kerry said. "I'm going to sleep on the couch, don't let Xavier find me, goodnight." I said going to a guest room and changing. I went to sleep, letting darkness take control.
Heya. I hope you enjoyed it. It may have took awhile and I'm sorry.


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