Chapter 15: Taking it slow.

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Hello I hope you guys like this and enjoy it. Happy early Mother's Day and yay I updated.

Also a song by: 50 cent.

Sorry I've just been so busy with school this week.

Ava's pov:
I woke up with the sun shining in my face. It was so warm and bright. I felt safe and a little tired, I had this warm feeling inside of me. Maybe I was just happy about my mate still holding me safely.

I felt safe.

After that vision last night I don't want to move or get out of bed. But I want to see my family! I miss them a lot! "Xavier I need to pee." I said and he sit up slowly then rubbed his eyes. "Ok baby, do you need any help getting up?" He asked.

I smiled at his kindness and at his cuteness. "Yes please." I said and he helped me to the bathroom. I did my business then washed my hands after. He grabbed my waist and put me on the counter.

{Warning heated}

He grabbed my thick thighs and kissed my lips a little rough. I smiled and kissed back putting my hand through his hair and ruffling it. He picked me up and took me to the bed and laid me down, then he got on top of me.

He nibbled on my bottom lip. I moaned a little bit. He growled and his eyes were almost black. "I can't go back if you say yes baby girl." He said huskily and a wave hit me.

"Yes baby." I said ready. He growled and ripped my clothes off and threw them to the floor. He ripped his clothes off and threw them to the floor too. "You ready princess?" He asked. I put my hands on his biceps.

"I'm ready." I said nervous. My heart was beating fast. He slowly put his thing into me. I moaned and he sucked on my nipple and I moaned louder. "Xavier!" I yelled and he growled.

He was going faster and faster. "Xavier that hurts stop!" I moaned and he grabbed my hips. "No because I like the feeling of you being mine." He said and started to make me grind against him.

I moaned. He stopped and looked at me slowly going down my body with his tongue on it. He then licked my vagina and I moaned loudly. Then I felt like I was going to.

"Mmm baby you taste good." He said and I blushed.

{Ok it's finished, I apologize to some of the readers because I know how you feel about all that.}

We laid in bed and took a few hour nap because I had to take everything so slow. After our nap we took a shower together and it was a great shower if you know what I mean.

We also had to change our sheets and get dressed for lunch. We were walking downstairs and the whole pack was there. I blushed and looked down like a dog with its tail between its legs.

I had sex before I was out of school and marriage. I wanted to cry but, I didn't. I hope I can forgive myself for something I had promised myself to keep! If that made sense?

But why is everyone down here? "What's going on?" I asked and they all stared at me. "Luna, its good to see you feeling better and your sister went missing." They said and my world finally broke.

All hell went loose.

I growled and charged to the door raging pissed. I used my power and the light of my power flowed around me. That means don't fucking touch me or I'll kill you. Forget taking it slow I'm going to find my sister!

"Well isn't she all well now." Jason said. "If you touched my sister in any way, shape, or form I'll fucking kill you and slice you to pieces!" I yelled fire coming from my glow. "I didn't however I know where she is." He said laughing and that's when I let him have it.

I threw fireballs at him and then I drowned him in water until he couldn't breathe then I choked him with my vines. "Ok I'll tell you where she is." He said with the pack watching.

"Where?" I asked my eyes a dark red. "Calm down your starting to shake." My wolf said. 'No' I said still shaking. "She's at Nora falls." He said barely breathing.

I nodded and smiled. "Enjoy hell you bastard." I said snapping his neck and letting him fall limp to the ground. His color was now pale. Oh well I have to find my sister. I laughed insanely and sniffed the air.

I put two fingers on my head and talked to myself. "Nora falls." I said. Don't get me wrong I'm never like this unless you mess with my family. "Found you." I said and turned into my wolf running like someone was chasing me.

"Nora falls." I said.

Hiya sorry like really sorry if you didn't like or understand this chapter but hey I updated.

Thanks a lot for your support guys I hit 5k I appreciate y'all so much. Like I love you guys, your amazing.

Anyway hoped ya liked it.

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