Chapter 5: Family dinner.

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Well hello, hello how are you guys? I hope you enjoy the book.

Also a picture of Xavier and his fam. Also Taylor swift: ours.

Ava's pov:
So far after the tour nothing has happened but, I'm still a little bothered by that Alex girl. Like I shouldn't have to second guess that I can trust my mate. Right? I'm probably over reacting.

I sighed and started to unpack my things into Xavier and I's closet. Xavier went to finish off some pack business, he said he'll come back right after.

I also get to meet his siblings and his mother. He didn't say anything about his dad though? But I don't want to push him so I'll wait to ask. After a while he came back to his room. "So how was it?" I asked smiling. He groaned. Guess that can't be good huh?

"It was annoying." He said frowning. I frowned. "So baby I feel like your upset what's wrong?" He asked with a small smile. Oh boy. "Uh I'm not." I said looking away. Everyone knows when I look away I'm lying. "Baby are you lying to me?" He asked smirking. "No" I said still looking away.

"Look at me and say that then." He said walking towards me. I backed away into a small corner. "Uhm I, I." I tried but I was stuttering. Damnit! "Yeah no I'm upset." I said, He pinned each of his arms beside my head and looked down at my small frame. He put his nose against my nose. "What's wrong babe?" He asked.

"I'm upset about that Alex chick." I said quickly. He looked up at me his beautiful green eyes. I was trapped within them. They made me think of my secret garden back at home. "Baby I promise if she tries anything she'll be out of the pack." He said holding my face into his hands, as I nodded.

He was leaning in for a kiss slowly. I held my finger up to his lips and smirked. "I have to get ready to meet your siblings at dinner." I said still smirking. He smirked leaning down beside my ear and whispered. "Fine but, it's really hard holding back from kissing you." He whispered.

I blushed and he smirked even more. "Go get ready, I'll be waiting." He said walking towards his bed and laid down. I went into our closet. Oh I like the sound of that.


I sighed getting an outfit. I went into the bathroom then shut the door, locking it. I took off all of my makeup with a makeup wipe. Then I brushed my teeth. After finished freshening up, I put on my outfit.

{Picture of her outfit ;)}

{Picture of her outfit ;)}

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I hope this isn't to much. After I was done I walked out of the bathroom. I looked at Xavier and he was staring at me. "Is it to much? Oh my gosh do I look bad?" I asked worriedly.

"No baby you don't look bad but, if any guys look at you and flirt with you I'll rip their balls off." He said in all seriousness. Uhm ok? "Ok babe." I said blushing my ass off.

"Are you ready to meet them?" He asked smiling. Oh that smile is dazzling. "Yes I am." I said giggling.


"So do you have any siblings?" Olivia, Xavier's mom asked. "Yes mam. One little sister and two older twin brothers." I said smiling.

"How old is your little sister?" Josh asked and I glared at him. "She's about to be 16 in a month." I said still glaring. "May I meet her at her birthday?" He asked. "Uhm actually how old are you?" I asked. "I'm eighteen." He said. "Yeah no." I said emotionlessly. "Josh let it go, I want to talk to our cool future sister." Kerry said, I smiled.

"Fine, whatever." He said. "So do you like to race or play video games?" She asked smiling. "I like racing and video games, I'm not real picky." I said casually. "Cool we'll be getting along just fine." She said.

"Have you heard from dad?" Josh asked. I looked at him then at Xavier. "Josh Lupin Sanders we do not talk about that man at this table!" Olivia said angry.

"I'm going to wash the dishes, Kerry do you want to help?" I asked and she nodded.


After the dishes and family drama. Xavier and I went up to our room. He got into pajama pants and had no shirt on, so his abs were showing. "Baby you checkin me out?" He asked laughing. I nodded. "Yes." I said blushing beat red. He just laughed then laid down.

I went to get my pajamas. I put on some short shorts and a tank top. Then walked out of the closet. I got into bed hearing Xavier growl. "Baby you better cover your sexy ass up or I'll fuck you right here, right now!" He said lustful, I blushed covering up. "Goodnight baby girl." He said kissing my cheek.

"Xavier by the way we need to talk." I said, he looked at me. "I'm listening." He said slowly. "Well I don't want you to get mad but, when my heat comes, I can't be here." I said. "What, why not?" He asked sitting up.

"Baby I don't want you hurt and worrying to much about me." I said. "Baby your my other half of course I'm gonna be worried. Your not gonna hurt me, it'll hurt me without you here though." He said and I think my heart just melted.

"Babe." I said pressing my hand on his cheek. "Ok I'll stay but, it's not gonna be easy." I said smiling. "Goodnight baby." He said wrapping his strong arms around me, protecting me.

He's literally my everything.

"Goodnight my love." I said going to sleep.
So how was it? Eh? Was it confusing? I know y'all are probably thinking wth? Right? If not I hope you guys enjoyed.

Also I have exams this week so updates are gonna be kind of slow, so sorry. Thank you guys for reading my book. I highly appreciate it.

Love~ the author

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