Chapter 19:Forgiveness

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Heyo another chapter coming at chu. :3

Ava's pov:
Ever since Xavier said sorry. I forgave him and he talked about the baby and how he was scared to take care of one of his own. I said I would help him.

Anyway my stomachs gotten big in just a couple of weeks. I wonder if it's a girl or a boy? So I sit here on this big fluffy and comfortable soft couch eating Nutella and pizza with fries, while watching scream queens.

This pizza is so greasy but so good. Alex came into the family room while I was stuffing pizza in my face. She laughed. "You hungry lady." She said laughing. I gulped my pizza down and wiped my mouth with a napkin. "I still can't believe my sister is with your brother." I said laughing and she laughed too.

"Like I know right, I can't either." She said smiling and sitting down next to me. I rolled my eyes. "What do you want?" I asked. "Can I touch your stomach?" She asked smiling. "Sure." I said and grabbed another slice of pizza while she felt my stomach.

Xavier came in and growled. "Hey grouch she's just feeling the baby." I said eating more pizza. He groaned and I growled. "You sure are hot when your mad babe." He said winking at me and I blushed.

"Shut up" I grumbled. "Awe you guys are goals." She said smiling and I glared. "Ok well I got to go get to work." She said getting up and leaving. "You should stop staring at me you know." I said blushing. "I can't help it your just so beautiful baby." He said and I blushed.

I pat the spot next to me. "Come here." I said and he came and sat beside me. He kissed my  cheek and felt my stomach. "I feel the baby." He said smiling and I laughed. "Well duh it can move now." I said smiling.

"Can I have a slice?" He asked and I smiled. "Sure." I said looking at the tv. He grabbed a slice and took a bite out of it then looked at me. I looked at him and he put the pizza in front of my face. I took a bite and started to get a napkin because of the grease.

But no. Xavier grabbed my chin and went closer in front of my face. He licked the side of my mouth then kissed me. It ended up being a make out session until we had to stop.


"Baby wake up!" Xavier yelled and I jumped and was on the verge of tears. "Awe no baby I didn't mean to scare you." He said hugging me. "Baby what's wrong?" I asked sniffling. "Babe I should be asking you that." He said sighing.

"How would you like to go to the beach after the baby is born?" He asked and I smiled. "I'd like that a lot." I said happily, he smiled kissing me. "Ok I'm going to do pack work I'll take care of you when I'm finished." He said leaving and then Kerry walked in.

"How's that baby and how is my favorite?" She questioned and I smiled. "I'm ok and the baby is growing." I said. "Well guess what's for breakfast." She said and I looked at her. "What?" I question. "Food, just kidding Nutella and peanut butter with cookies." She said and I smiled.

"Ok that's unhealthy but it sounds great." I said laughing and she smiled.
Sorry if it's a short chapter. It's just some things aren't great in my life right now.

But I hope you enjoyed it and no I do not do bad things. My mom would have killed me if I did lol.

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