Chapter 7: Possessive fight.

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So like I hope the other chapter wasn't to confusing but, if so I'm truly sorry. But I hope you like this part ;).

Also Ava's wolf above^

Ava's pov:
I woke up. I sat up on the bed slowly feeling my bones ache. I slowly stood up and tried to walk. But unfortunately fell. Gosh I'm hurting so bad. My knees, my feet, my body, and my collarbone hurt so fucking much.

"Xavier if you can hear me, can you please come help me." I mind linked him. But unfortunately he didn't reply back. "Beta John can you have your wife come help me please?" I asked. "Yes Luna." He said. I wonder why Xavier didn't answer me?

Anyway beta Johns wife came and helped me to the bathroom. "Thanks Lucy for helping me." I said smiling. She nodded. "Luna do you need any help with anything else?" She asked. "Call me Ava." I said. "And no thank you, you may leave." I said smiling and hugging her.

"Ok, be careful Luna." She said leaving. I shut the door and then undressed. I got into the tub and ran some hot water. "Sorry I didn't reply love but, I will come help you." Xavier answered. "Xavier don't, I asked John to get his wife to help me and she did." I replied back harshly. I turned off the water. "You did what?!" He said roaring.

"Baby calm down his wife came and helped me off the ground." I said sighing. He didn't reply. "Baby?" I asked. But he still didn't answer. I started washing my hair and rinsing my hair out, then I was washing myself, when the bathroom door burst open, I screamed.

I hurriedly rinsed myself up and got a towel around me after. "Xavier! Don't ever do that shit again!" I yelled at him. His eyes weren't green, they were his wolfs. My eyes widen. "Your beautiful when your naked lovely." He said. I blushed a deep shade of red.

"Are you feeling better?" He asked, his eyes looking over my small figure. I blushed even more red if that was possible. "Yes the warm w-water helped my muscles." I said stuttering. I looked at him and it was finally the green eyes I recognized. "Xavier." I said.

"Yes baby, I love your mark by the way." He said. "What's he talking about? I've been asleep ever since then?" My wolf said. I went over to the mirror, my towel still around me. I looked at my mark. It's so beautiful. "I love it." I said smiling.

It had a circle in the middle and stars around it. It was light purple. It was such a beautiful sight. "I really like you." I said smiling. "Imma really like pulling that towel off of you if you don't get dressed." Xavier said. I blushed and ran to the closet.

I picked an outfit. {outfit down below}

I walked out of our closet with Xavier smirking at me

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I walked out of our closet with Xavier smirking at me. I walked up to him and kissed his lips. He kissed back immediately. Then I pulled back teasing him and he growled. "Tease." He said, I smirked.

"Baby I'm hungry I'm gonna go get a snack." I said leaving the room and downstairs. I was walking to the kitchen and overheard some girls. "That is so not fair to you Alex, you let him fuck you, now all of a sudden he has a mate?!" Someone growled. "Yeah I might have to end her." Alex said laughing. Ok that's it!

"BITCH I GOT YOU! OUTSIDE YOU AND ME!" I roared. "No, you can't tell me what to do!" She yelled. "I AM YOUR LUNA , YOU AND ME OUTSIDE NOW!" I roared even louder. "Pfft no." She said rolling her eyes. I grabbed her hair pulling her and throwing her outside. Half the pack was now behind me.

I took my stance and she took hers. She turned into her wolf first and then I turned into mine. This is all you Ash. I said to my wolf. It's about damn time! She yelled smirking.

She lunge at her shoulder ripping a piece of Alex's skin off. Alex's wolf lunged at my paw but, I moved and circled around her. I head butted her stomach snapping a few bones in her ribs. She stopped and Laid still. I stood over her and mind linked her.

"I am very protective of the things that are mine. You have no right at all to disrespect me. I never did anything to you. When I fight I show no mercy." I said my eyes getting dull. "I will send you help and you will like me, whether you want to or not. I love everyone in this pack. Start being respectful." I said harshly growling and she just nodded in pain.

I turned still angry. I strutted towards the chick that was with Alex and took her side without even knowing me. Everyone moved out of the way. I looked at her and shook my head. "I'll deal with you later!" I yelled through mind link growling.

Xavier gave me his big shirt that probably went to my mid thigh. I went into a bathroom and shifted, changing. Then I came back out, storming to the girl then slammed her up against the wall so quick she whimpered. I looked into her eyes. She looked scared and hurt.

I slammed her down by Alex. "Do you have any idea how disrespectful you are?" I said through my gritted teeth. "You are the definition of two faced. I would like to know your name because, you are going to help Alex and you are on probation by me!" I yelled growling with tears in my eyes.

I can't be nice to everyone and it hurts me. But that's just how the world is.

"My name is Katherine." She said with tears rolling down her eyes. "Get up and help her now!" I growled. "Everyone turn your heads or go inside." I said sternly. Everyone turned there heads. I gave Alex the shirt off my back and onto hers.

"Go." I said in a whisper and they left. My knees buckled and I landed on the grown. My lip started to wobble and tears started to pour down my face. Rain began to pour. I screamed and threw my fist to the ground. Im having a breakdown.

I know this sounds like pity right? I shot vines up from the ground and forcefully got up off the ground. I ran and shifted again. Xavier trying to catch up with me. But it was to late. I was gone, now I was in front of a waterfall.

It's time for another pack meeting!
How are we? Are we doing good/bad? How are you guys? Also I'm so so so sorry if this chapter was bad I'm trying the best I can.

Gosh I feel so bad. Sorry :(

Love~ The author

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