Chapter 22: Beach Romantics

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I hope you guys enjoy it :)

Love you guys.

Song by: Avril Lavigne

Ava's pov:
We were finally going to the beach. Well that was after my mom came to pick up the baby's and watch them. Xavier and I's moms are best friends now and they take turns watching the baby's.

After our bags were packed and in the Porsche. We got into the car and drove that way. Xavier said he had a beach house up there. So I'm excited because I've never been in a beach house or at the beach for that matter.

I wonder if it is just like the ones I imagine, or the ones in the children story books? I'm just so excited, I can't wait.


Finally after a few hours we were at the beach house. It was small on the outside but big on the inside. It was beautiful. It had marvel counter tops and stairs. It had a view from the back porch of a beautiful beach.


It's so beautiful here. The salty scent in the air, the different colors in the ocean. It's very beautiful.

"Hey meet me outside after you get dressed baby." Xavier said leaving and going onto the sand. "Hey girl I'm here too." I jumped at Kerry's voice. How I'm the hell?!

What's going on? I thought it was just us two? "Now before you get to confused and asking questions. Get dressed into this dress." She said pushing me into my room.

After I put the dress on she did my makeup and hair

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After I put the dress on she did my makeup and hair. "W-" "Nope be quite." Kerry said and I shut my mouth. She left the room without saying a word.

Why the hell do I have to wear this? What's going on? I'm so confused. Maybe it's like a fancy dinner on the porch or something.

I walked out of the room to feel a breeze and the scent of the ocean. I looked at the terrace doors. They were open. I walked to the door barefoot and heard the sound of the ocean waves crashing peacefully.

I stepped out onto the back porch and down the little stairs. Then onto the soft sand, that squished in between my toes. I walked where I saw Xavier just standing there smiling at me like an absolute idiot with his hands into his pockets.

My man looks nice too. He has a tux on. This is really suspicious. What's he up to? Once I got to him he smirked. Now I know he's up to something.

He looked me straight in my eyes and started to speak. "My lovely mate Ava, the moon goddesses lovely, beautiful, fierce, brace daughter. In fact you are my everything. My moon, my sun, planets, world. I love the way you smile it makes me smile. I love how when you get angry you speak your mind. I love how you get confused and crinkle your nose up. I love everything about you. Your eyes, laugh, and body. Ava I love you. Will you do the honors of Marrying me?" He asked. I had tears in my eyes.

"Yes." I whispered almost sobbing my ass off because of how sweet this was. He smiled and screamed "yes!" Lifting me off my feet and hugging me. I giggled happily.

I hope you guys loved the chapter and also I updated. :)

It may take a little while for the next one tho :( sorry guys.

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