Chapter 17: Test?!

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Heyo I hope you enjoy this chapter and I am so sorry if I didn't update quick enough but here it is ;)

Song: Puppy dog eyes

Ava's pov:
My wolf was so tired after the shifting and sweating so I had to change back into my human form. I was also exhausted but, not as exhausted like she was.

Ash was beautiful. She was a light black color with one gray spot around her eye towards her snout a little bit. She was also really soft.

I threw up right after the shift. But why? 'So what's that smell?' I asked ash. 'I don't know but, I'm tired let me sleep.' She said. I just nodded and left her alone.

I'm hungry and I feel sick for some reason. "Hey honey." My momma said and I looked up. I jumped up and hugged her. "Mommy!" I squealed and she laughed. "Yes baby." She smiled.

"I'm hungry and I also missed you." I said. "Ok what do you want to eat?" She questioned. "Peanut butter and hmmmm, chicken." I said. "Hunny you've never ate that before are you sure?" She
Asked and I nodded.

"Hey sweets lets go to the store." She said and I shaked my head. "Can Kerry come?" I asked. "Well yes she can and go get changed out of Xavier's shirt." She said and I nodded.


"W-why are w-we getting a pr-pregnancy test?" I asked stuttering. "Kerry is it for you?" I asked clueless and she laughed. "Nope it must be for you." She said smiling.

"WHAT!?!" I yelled a little bit. "Shhhhh." They both whispered. "No mom." I said sternly. "Yes come on in the bathroom now!" She yelled and my eyes widen. "But" "No buts just go!" Mom yelled and I did what I was told.

"Tsk tsk, so stubborn." She said and Kerry laughed.

We waited for the test for a couple of minutes. After it was done. It said positive! Mom and Kerry squealed. I smiled confident. "I'm pregnant!" I yelled and they hugged me.

"Aren't you worried about what Xavier is going to say about it?" She asked and I shaked my head slowly. "No because, if he really cares about me like a mate should, he would support me." I said smiling and she nodded agreeing.


It's now night time and I threw up into the toilet in the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and then got dressed for bed. Putting pajama pants on and a white tank top, then threw my hair up into a messy bun.

I took a few breaths. I'm a little nervous for some reason? But I can do this! I am confident and happy! I walked out of the bathroom to see Xavier in his boxers on the bed. I looked away. "I have something to tell you, and it's important." I said still standing.

"Ok, what's up babe?" He asked sitting up on the bed. "I'm pregnant." I said smiling but he didn't smile. He got up and hugged me tightly. "That's great babe." He whispered. "What's wrong?" I asked a little worried and upset.

"It's just I'm happy for you but, this was a bit unexpected." He said and I raised my right eyebrow. "Excuse me?! What in the fuck, did you expect when we made love?!" I yelled and he didn't even move. "I don't know?!" He yelled using his Alpha voice.

I slapped him across his soft cheek leaving a red mark. "Sleep by yourself you prick and don't you ever use your alpha voice on me!" I yelled crying. "GET THE HELL OUT!" He yelled and I just started to cry even more and then left slamming the door.

I ran downstairs crying my eyes out. "Kerry?" I asked sniffling knocking on her door. She opened her door with her bra and pj pants on. Her eyes were squinted because of her just waking up I'm assuming. She finally opened her eyes wide.

"Sis what's wrong?!" She shouted. "Your face has tear streaks." She said and I nodded. "I told him." I said crying. "Come on let's go to the cabin for a few days ok." She said getting her leather jacket.

"So that's the whole convo?!" She asked Shouting. "He's such a dick." She said angrily and I just now stopped crying. "I need some sleep." I said looking at her. "Do you love the baby?" She asked.

Nodding I looked at her. "I can't stop thinking about the baby." I said and she just nodded understandingly.

"I love the baby."

"What happens now?" I asked.
Sad isn't it :( also it's a little confusing but hey I'm sorry.

Ily guys. :)

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