Chapter 16: Fight!

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Heyo this chapter is different I hope you like it. Also big shout out to all of you guys, you always seem to surprise me<3


Xavier's pov:
I've never seen her ever do that in my life! That was so fuckin cool! But I've got to stop her! I shifted and ran after her. She's too fast! I bet I know where she is going.

Nora falls!

Beautiful place but it won't be for long if she's going there. I have to get there before she does. I'll take the short cut.

Ava's pov:
I'm going to kill them bastards! Everyone knows not to mess with my family! It sends me into Rogue rage! This is a long way to Nora falls but, I'm going to take a short cut!

After taking the short cut I realized that Xavier was here first? I shifted getting into my goddess form. No one has seen me do this not even my mom.

"Devon where is my sister?" I asked one of the Rogues

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"Devon where is my sister?" I asked one of the Rogues. I know only one of the rogues and that's Devon. He giggled and I laughed. He stopped and stared. "Where is she?!" I asked yelling, he jumped. "She's in the cave." He said. I grabbed his neck and whispered "If she's been touched or hurt in any way I'm killing all of you!" I yelled the last part.

I went into the cave my hands on the ground as my feet are flat on the surface. "Lauren?" I asked. "Sis, I'm scared." She said sniffling. I looked up and she was tied against the cave. I jumped up and bit off all the straps that was tied against the cave to hold her.

Her hands and wrist were red and pink. They looked terrible. "Go to Xavier!" I growled. "He did it to me." She said and I looked at her. "The leader of the rogues." She said crying. "Go!" I yelled and she ran. I sniffed the air. I growled.

I used my powers to knock down rocks in front of me until I heard a groan. I searched for the noise. I found it. "How the hell are you still alive?" I asked and growled. "Well dear, I can use magic to switch body's." He said. "Your a sick bastard Jason." I said.

"So the only way to kill you is..." I got cut off. "Yes by my heart." He laughed. "Ok well I hope you like being in-paled." I said and he had a questioning look. I smushed my hands together with thorns and rocks.

Then rocks and huge thorns came towards him but he stopped them and reversed it. "MOTHER NATURE!" I screamed and she reversed it agin towards him but faster like a tornado almost.

I heard a screech then I ran out and shifted into my beautiful wolf. 'Well thank you lovely.' Ash said and I smiled. 'Ready to run again?' I asked and she cackled. 'Yes lovely let's go' she said running like a rogue does trying to get away.


Finally we got towards the pack house and I shifted to my human form and fell to the ground. So tired, so painful. I'm hurting all over my hands are cut open after what I did. But for some reason they aren't healing fast enough.

I'm so tired. My eyes are heavy and I'm dirty with dirt all over my arms and legs. But right now I can't think about anything else. I need to sleep! I don't feel good.


"AVA!" Xavier called but, I'm too tired to even move. I felt leafs fall all over me and they were cold and soft. Thank you Mother Nature for helping me. You did well.

"Baby please wake up I can't lose you again." He said and I peeked my heavy tired eyes open. "I'm not leaving you ever again." I said smiling slightly. "But right now I'm tired, leave me be." I said sighing.

"Sis look at me, let me see your eyes please." Lauren said. Can't they just leave me alone? I opened my eyes hesitantly. "I see you." I said smiling sadly.

So tired.

"Sis you have to stay awake, I'll call mom ok." She said crying. "Why are you crying, don't cry." I said calmly. "Because your going to go away." She cried. "No I'm not love." I said.

'Alex can you come get my sister and calm her down.' I asked through mind link. 'No I can't sorry I'm babysitting but, I'll send my brother.' She said. It wasn't even ten minutes.

Ten minutes before I heard MINE! I smiled. "Mom found him for you." I said yawning and going to sleep. 'Listen Ava I'm sorry we have to shift again but this ones gonna hurt like a bitch' my wolf said and before I could answer, pain was happening to me and fast.

I screamed moving around like a worm. I screamed so loud birds flew away in trees. Nature went away from me and I cried. "STOP!" I screeched grabbing the soil and gravel.

I was shifting and finally I was almost done. I was huffing and screaming and crying. Then I was done.

I wonder what Ash looks like now?
Hey guys hope you liked it :)

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