Chapter 1: Breaking the Silence

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Chapter 1

When I was younger I wished I could have a normal life, I wished I could live in a house, with a mom and dad, maybe even some brothers or sisters.

We would all be happy and live in a neighborhood with matching houses, with matching yards, even the same old matching happy faces. That would be what i would dream of at night when i wanted to fall asleep quicker. 

But since then, I've grown up, I have moved on from that fairy tale, and i have seen the harsh reality that we live in, I have seen true pain, and hurt, i have learned the rights form the wrongs, and I have learned what it'ts like to have everything you've ever loved or even cared for, taken away from you.

Now, I dream of the days to come, the days when I will be able to finally leave this place you people live on. I am like an angel living in hell, trying to find my way home...


I woke up in the same room that I wake up in every day. The orphanage, Silent Angles, is not a very nice place. The walls are constantly dirty and the floors and kids are no better. Our "foster mom" as she likes to call herself, Ms. Green, is the meanest lady alive. She forces us, or well, the other kids to clean up everything, the entire "house" from head to toe trying to make it spotless.

It's useless work because no matter how much those kids clean, this place will never even seem clean. I got out of having to work because no matter how hard I tried to make the place at least look semi-nice, I would somehow fuck it all up, I don't know how, but I did.

From now on I must stay in my room at all times, I must not leave my room for any reason or I will be punished. Those are one of the many rules Ms. Green created for me. Another one would be that I am not allowed to have any food or talk to anybody from the orphanage, so basically stay up in my room 24/7 and not do anything.

For about the first few years I was here I was able to get food from one of my best friends Britney, but she's gone now so I'm left all on my own. For awhile after she left I was able to survive on just mainly water and anything else I could find. Eventually that stopped working, and I was forced to start sneaking out my window, and go find a job in order to be able to afford food and any other essentials.

Now don't get me wrong, I am very thankful to be able to have a place to stay that's free and all, but when I was taken here, I was almost hoping that it would be a place where I would actually fit in and be able to maybe be happy and find another family, a better family in fact, but as soon as I saw the place, I knew it would be impossible...

Anyways, I eventually did find a job, selling flowers at a local market just around the corner from the orphanage, it helped out a lot with anything and everything I ever needed to actually survive in this room.

But today was the day, the day I tuned 17, and I was done living here in this orphanage, I was done being the freak in this place, I wanted to get out and, and go live my life, be free and not have anybody tell me what I can or cannot do!

So what did I do? Probably one of the worst mistakes I will ever make in my life, I called my ex-best friend, the one I haven't talked to since I came to this place, Vic Fuentes. I dialed his number, anxiously waiting for him to hopefully pick up, I just hope his number hasn't changed...

"Hello?" my breathing hitched when I heard his voice, I almost didn't reply back.

"Um, hey?"

"Who is this and how did you get this number?" Does he seriously not remember my voice?

"You don't remember me do you?"

"Amy? Is that you?" Maybe he didn't forget about me all those years ago.

{A/N YES! first chapter is out! so this is a new story I began writing, hope you enjoyed it, it isn't edited so if there is anything I misspelled please comment and let me know! it really helps out a ton, thanks!}

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