Chapter 20: It's a Selfie kind of day.

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Chapter 20: It's a Selfie kind of day.

{just thought i would put this at the beginning of the chapter to give you a heads up, if you are reading this, then you should know that this book is coming to an end soon, but don't worry i will most likely be doing a sequel since this book is getting kind of dull I can tell, thank you for reading and enjoy the chapter XD}

"Hey there sleep head, you didn't wait for me to get back last night," Andy's morning voice said. I opened my eyes only to be met by his pouting face. His puppy dog eyes were enough to kill me on the spot right then and there.

"Sorry, I guess I fell asleep before you could get back. I was just really overwhelmed and exhausted from all the 'excitement' that i had yesterday," i said with a sheepish smile on my face. He just gave me a hearty laugh, causing my smile to grow as I examined his smiling features.

"Okay, so since we have yet another show tonight, which will be one of the last few we will have, since this tour is coming to an end shortly, I was hoping that you would come to the signing again tonight? And maybe for the rest of the tour? There really aren't that many shows left so it would only be a few meet and greets," Andy asked, giving me the puppy eyes he knew I couldn't resist.

"Can I at least think about it?" I asked hopefully, not really wanting to go to yet another meet and greet. Granted, I know that I will most likely give in and end up going to every single one of them with that cheeky son of a bitch.

"Does that mean yes?" he asked hopefully, already knowing the answer. I groaned as he fist pumped the air, accidentally punching the ceiling of our bunk and causing me to burst into a fit of giggles.

"Good job smart ass, now can i please get out so i can get dressed and out of my pajamas?" I asked, grinning at him. He grunted, holding his hand as he got out of the bunk, freeing me. I stretched my limbs, smiling contently as I heard my bones crack.

I shuffled my way into the front of the bus, hoping that Vic could make me something to eat and then Tony or Jaime could share it with me, or even Andy since he likes to make sure that I actually eat. But nobody was there, not in the kitchen, not watching TV, nothing.

"Vic? Jaime? Tony?" I called out, "Mike?" I tried, hoping that somebody would at least be somewhere on the bus, but nobody called back. They had all just, vanished. Even George our bus driver was gone. What happened?

"Amy? What's going on?" Andy called out from the bunks. He must still be in bed.

"Everybody's gone, it's just you and me!" I called back, walking to the bunks to grab some clothes.

"Yeah, they all decided to go out to eat and they didn't want to wake you up, so I volunteered to stay behind in case you woke up," he said, coming up from behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. I smiled at his sweet gesture, placing my small hands over his own. We stayed like that, just swaying back and forth and just enjoying each others presence.

"So, what do you want to do today since you have a show later tonight? It's just you and me for awhile you know," I said, closing my eyes and leaning back against him, taking in the smell of his cologne and cigarettes. He must have gone out this morning to smoke because it smelled a lot stronger than it did last night.

"Well, we could hang out here on the bus, we could go out or we could just lay in bed watching movies until I have to go rehearse," he offered, spinning me around to face him. I giggled in response, wrapping my arms around his neck as we swayed back and forth still.

"Or, you could let me try your cigarette brand, because mine sucks," I smile at him, hoping he would take me to the drug store to get me a new pack of my own in case I actually liked his better than my own.

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