Chapter 8: Finally Everythings Right?

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Chapter 8: Finally Everythings Right?

"Amy please! Please don't do this, you're better than this and you know it!" Vic called out from on the other side of the door.

"Why do you care anyways if I'm just some stupid slut in your mind!" I yelled back, trying my best to hold back the tears in my eyes.

"Amy please, you know I didn't mean what I said! Just, please you know you're better than this, we all know that so please just open the door," Vic cried, getting quieter as the words came out of his mouth. I remained silent, listening to his cries, debating on whether or not I should really go through with this.

"Am I really? Because I don't think that I am," I said, making the final decision to drag the blade across my skin. How ironic right? Well I'm making sure that nobody makes a big deal out of this one. I cleaned up my cuts and exited the bathroom, only to be embraced in a hug by the guys, including Andy.

"Amy please don't scare us like that ever again!" Jaime cried, squeezing onto me tighter. I smiled at the thought that they all actually cared about me, hugging them all back.

Vic was the first to pull away from the hug, waiting for everybody to release me. When they did, he held out his hands, signaling for me to hand over my wrists. I obliged willingly and he inspected them, smiling when he didn't find anything new.

"Thank you so much Amy," Vic whispered in my ear after all the other guys had dispersed. I smiled nodding at him as he walked back to the front of the bus with the other guys.

"Are you okay?" Andy asked, walking up from behind me. The forced smile that once sat on my face just moments before had now disappeared. Yes I still loved Andy, but he left me and I'm just not ready to forgive him yet.

"I'm fine," I said, plastering a sickly sweet smile on my face.

"Oh uh... okay well I'm glad your fine. How are you and Jayy?" He asked grimacing as the name left his mouth. I don't understand why he had a problem with us dating. It's not like he liked me anyways.

"We're great. We're going to be hanging out later today so, make sure the back room isn't occupied later," I said, patting his shoulder to the best of my ability because of his height. I pushed my way past him, sitting down on a bean bag in the back of the bus. I turned on the TV that was back there, switching through channels before I finally found what I was looking for; Batman.

I grabbed my bag, quickly changing into my almost full body suit of batman, carful of my new scars on my stomach and curled up in the beanbag, proceeding to watch batman until Jayy would come over.

(Her batman outfit on the sideCx)

I must have fallen asleep during batman because the next thing I knew was being shaken away by Jayy.

"I wouldn't have done that dude..." the boys said from the front of the bus.

"Why?" He called back to them, obviously oblivious to what was going to happen next. I tackled him to the ground, sitting on his back while watching the ending of batman.

"That's why," I stated, digging my bony butt into his back.

"You do know I could flip you over at any moment now, but I'm being a good boyfriend and I'm letting you win for your sake," He said with a goofy grin. I laughed and nodded, knowing that he was obviously stronger than I was.

"Just know that I don't like to be woken up," I said getting up off his back.

"What if I woke you up like this?" He asked, planting a kiss on my lips. I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck and bring him in for another kiss. We were interrupted by Jaime standing in the door.

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