Chapter 5: Wake me from my nightmare

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Chapter 5: Wake me from my nightmare

I took a deep breath before stepping out into the living room of the bus. Everybody's eyes almost immediately landed on me. Vic was the first one to speak up, grabbing my wrists, causing me to grimace slightly, and setting me in his lap as he did so.

"Amy, what happened back there?"

"I, uh, um, what are you talking about?" I asked, hoping to avoid answering them, I mean, they already think I'm enough of a freak so...

"Amy, stop playing dumb and just answer us. Please?" Mike begged, grabbing my hand and holding it against his chest. My heart nearly dropped when his hand neared my wrist, luckily he didn't seem to notice anything.

"Seriously, you need to be more, specific maybe?" I said, hoping they would understand that I was stubborn and that they should just give up while they still can.

"Amy, don't make me do something we all know you will regret," Tony said with a devious smirk on his face.

"What are you- AH!" Tony, and Jamie tackled me to the ground, holding me by my arms and legs. It took everything I had not to wince or hiss in pain, "Tony, Jamie, you better let me go," I said, trying to sound tough, but in reality, I was scared for my life. They obviously knew my weakness and they were most likely planning on using it against me.

"We aren't letting you go until you tell us what that whole incident was about at the back of the bus," Vic said sternly.

"Oh come on you guys. Nothing happened, really, so can we please just forget any of this happened and move on?"

"Nope. Now tell us, or prepare to die," Mike said, smiling at me deviously. I decided i would be as stubborn for as long as i possible could and shook my head. Bad idea on my part, they decided to use my weakness against me.

"S-stop!" I cried out, laughing so hard I could barley breath as they dug their hands into my sides.

"Tell us or we won't ever stop!"

"O-okay! Okay I'll t-tell you!" I choked out, sighing in content as they released me and helped me sit up.

"Well?" Vic asked in his "fatherly" voice, they all seemed to treat me like I was there daughter, I'm not even that much younger than them though!

"Do I really have to tell you!? I mean, it's not even that huge a deal!" I complained

"Please?" Mike asked, pulling me into his side. I sighed, grumbling as I stood up off my position on the floor, trudging to the back of the bus to get a necklace out of my bag, then trudging back to the front and sitting back in my position, with Mike's arms wrapped around me. Most people might find this moment a little awkward but to be honest, I feel almost comforted by it.

"What do you have there?" Tony asked, referring to my necklace with dog tags on it.

"Well, I may or may not have been diagnosed with quite a few things, and since I can barley ever remember what they are, the doctors decided that I should wear this necklace everywhere I go so if anything happens they can have some sort of an idea of what's going on," I explained, feeling embarrassed already by my problems.

"Well at least now we can possibly have some sort of idea on how to help you," Mike said, rubbing my arm, probably trying to keep me calm, "So do you want to read off the tags or should I?"

I sighed, handing him the necklace, ducking my head into my knees, not wanting to see their faces when they read the tags, "Okay well, there's, Depression, Anxiety, you're Claustrophobic and you are suicidal, prone to panic attacks, she has ADD, and if she gets a panic attack bad enough she will not be able to breath so, hyperventilating which if not noticed and helped with immediately she could possibly die..."{ know that tags probably don't actually say this but WHATEVER}

"Amy?" Vic asked, sounding slightly worried. I decided not to look up because I didn't want to see the horrified looks on their faces, "Fae, please, look at me," he pleaded again. I looked up slightly, but didn't see horrified looks, instead i saw the worry, and pain in their eyes; which only made me feel worse.

"Amy, why didn't you tell us about all this? If we had known, we, we could of-" Mike started to say, but i ended up cutting him off.

"You could of what? Tried to help me? Taken me to the doctor to get medication? Yeah I've already tried all of that. The doctors don't know how to help me, the medication only makes me want to kill myself even more and I've used them to try and do that before so they won't let me take medication anymore. There isn't anything you can do, so you might as well just kick me off the bus right now and let me go deal with my own problems," I said to the four boys sitting in front of me. They listened intently as i vented how i felt, but it was all the truth, they really couldn't help me.

"But, can't we at least try? We want you to get better Amy, we want to help you in any way possible!" Tony exclaimed.

"Amy, we want to take care of you, please just, at least let us try and help you in any way, no pills, no doctors, just us. Please?" Vic pleaded while Mike squeezed me closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his torso while he wrapped his around my waist. I sighed, nodding my head, agreeing to allow them to try and help me.

"Okay, so as celebration, were going out!" Jamie shouted, standing up off the floor. I stood up along with him, dragging Mike up along with me.

"Where are we going?" I asked, hopefully sounding tired and like i couldn't go anywhere, as I used Mike to hold me up.

"Yeah, Jamie, we're not going to any party's or anything like that if that's what you had in mind," Vic said, i mentally thanked him and let out a sigh of relief.

"Well, today has been a day full of events so, I'm going to go to bed, night guys," I said yawning.

"Alright well, goodnight, but just keep in mind that tomorrow we have the Black Veil Brides band coming over to hang out and practice for the next concert, feel free to come to the stage to hang out with us if you want to," Vic said, making my heart drop as soon as I heard the words leave his mouth.

I crawled into my bunk, clutching my stuffed panda, holding it against my chest as i thought. Why do i always get so nervous around Andy? Well, he was a childhood friend of mine, and when he moved away it really hurt me, I had to go through hell without him. Why does he have to show up now? I mean, it's not like he remembers me anyways, but still. Why now? Why does he have to show up right as I'm trying to get my life back together.

Those were my last thoughts as i drifted off into a dreamless sleep...

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