Chapter 11: Hunter

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Chapter 11: Hunter

"Hunter? Is that you?" I asked into the phone, yawning slightly.

"Oh my god Amy! Oh thank you for calling me back, I've been trying to get a hold of you for, well, forever!" she yelled into the phone. I laughed slightly, pulling the phone away from my ear.

"Hey, how are you? Are you sure you had the right number? I've had the same number for as long as I've had a phone," I laughed, smiling widely.

"Oh well, I guess I was using the wrong number all along. You were right Mikey!" she said into the phone before yelling to somebody else in the back-round.

"Who's that?" Tony mouthed to me, obviously more awake and intrigued in my conversation.

"An old friend from the orphanage,"  I mouthed back. He nodded, turning over in the bunk to probably try and get some sleep.

"What have you been up to lately?" I asked her, picking at the chipping nail polish on my nails as I waited for an answer.

"Well, I left the orphanage and got a job and a place of my own finally," she said. I could practically hear the smile in her voice.

"That's great! Where did you move to?" I asked, hoping we could eventually maybe visit her while we're traveling.

"Just like, 50 miles away from the orphanage. It's a really good neighborhood though so you should come visit me some time!" she said, getting excited. I nodded my head before realizing that she couldn't actually see me.

"Yeah, I'll find out if I can do that soon!" I said, smiling sleepily. 

"Okay well, text me as soon as you can! Bye!" she said before hanging up. I chuckled lightly before turning over away from Tony, hoping to get some sleep. But of course, the world is against me and just had to get Lethal to start yelling while running up and down the aisles.

"Lethal! What the fuck are you doing!? It's like 3 in the morning!" I shouted at her. She just laughed at me and kept running around.

"Vic please do something!" Tony moaned, covering his ears to try and block out her screaming.

"Mike please stop her!" I yelled, laughing slightly as Vic tried to slip out of his bunk unsuccessfully. Mike groaned, getting up out of bed to hopefully get his sister to chill the fuck out.

"Mia Lethal Fuentes!" he shouted, causing me to giggle since he used her full name, "Get to your assigned bunk before I duck tape you there!" 

She slumped her shoulders, climbing into what was Tony's bunk and closed the curtain. I sighed, happy I would finally be able to get some sleep. 


"Wake up wake up wake up!!!!!" Tony and Lethal yelled in my ear. I wrapped a pillow around my head, only to have it be ripped away from me. Next thing I knew I was being dragged by my feet, out of bed and landed on my back on the floor. I groaned in pain, rubbing the sleep from my eyes as I sat up. 

"Why the fuck did you wake me up so early?" I whined to them, frowning at my feet since the light was still too bright for my eyes.

"Because we want to do something before our show tonight!" they said in union.

"Well what did you have in mind?" I asked, sitting up straighter to look at them properly.

"Well, we wanted to go clubbing since we have so much free time but Vic won't let us go unless you go too." I sighed, rubbing my temples. I really don't feel like going to a club tonight, especially if I'm going to have to watch them perform for like a bagillion more hours tonight.

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