Chapter 22: The Finale

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Chapter 22: The Finale

(A/N so recently a guy friend of mine told me he hates PTV. He likes the lyrics but he hates Vic's voice?! He said that he's too "whiny" and that a lot of the other bands are the same way and I was like, the hell?! Lets just say that I ripped him limb from limb after that. OH I was so mad. Still am, then he went on saying how his music was better cause it wasn't so depressing and blah blah blah. So I blocked him and refused to talk to him until he apologized.

Okay sorry I just had to say that and vent, no on with the last chapter! I'm so sad about it yet excitedXD)

****3 months have now gone by, and Amy has been hospitalized. She went into a coma from the lack of oxygen to her brain. Andy has visited her every day, moving on with his life like she would have wanted him to but still visiting her every chance he got.

The rest of the BVB boys brought her flowers every day, wishing her to wake up so Andy would stop moping about.

Vic would cry every night with Mike, Tony, and Jaime all by his side, trying to stay strong for him but ultimately failing. They would have their own crying session every night and visit her every day, hoping and praying for her to wake up for their own sake's. They missed seeing her smile and they missed her laugh. They missed holding her in their arms and most of all, they just missed their little sister Amy.

Lethal had begun to distance herself from everybody, taking comfort in the arms of her boyfriend Alan Ashby. They had been dating for quite a while now.

Sarita and Oliver had come at least once a week together and then Sarita came every day by herself, waiting and hoping for her to wake up. She missed hanging out and talking to her best friend on Xbox.

Kalel missed the little match maker and would take Christopher along with her whenever she had time to visit her in the hospital.

Hunter had to work so she would face time CC to be there for her in spirit whenever she possibly could.

As you can tell, this entire thing took a huge toll on everybody. Even Ricky and Chris, from motionless in white, remember Chris, Sarita's cousin and his band mate Ricky, the ones who saved Amy from Jayy at the diner one time had come to give flowers or little gifts. They only met her once but were hoping for her to wake up so they could see her again.****

I have been laying on what feels like a mix between cardboard and cement type of bed with a surprisingly soft pillow for who knows how long now. All I do is sit here, in the dark and every once in a while I can hear voices. They sound familiar but I can't be 100% sure about who it is until they actually are near me... well, wherever they are they sound close to me, even if I can't see them.

As I've been sitting here, only being able to entertain myself by trying to predict who will come in and visit me next, I eventually figured out that I was in the hospital, in a coma thanks to that stupid asshole Jayy. I only wish somebody could have stepped in and saved me. And what did Andy actually say before I blacked out? Did he actually say that he loves me? Do I love him? No it's too early to say that I love him, I mean sure I've known him for longer than we've been dating, but still, I don't want to start saying that I love him because-

My train of thought was ever so rudely interrupted by the slam of a door. I mentally jumped, but of course my body just stayed still, except for my fingers twitching ever so slightly.

"You can't do that! It's got to be fucking illegal!" Andy's voice boomed throughout the room. I internally smiled at his voice, which I hadn't heard in forever, at least that's what it feels like.

"I'm sorry sir but we really cannot keep her any longer." This voice was new to me. I had never heard it before.

"Well can't we just, transfer her to a different hospital or can't I pay for her to stay her just a while longer?" Andy's voice said again, but not as loud this time.

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