Chapter 14: Xbox Day

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Chapter 14: Xbox Day

"Well he was a nice kid," I commented as we waited in line for the scrambler. Andy hummed in agreement. "Are you okay Andy?"

"Yeah I'm fine, but, I just wanted to know if you are fine." his words didn't faze me at all. All day, everybody has been asking how I was, if I needed time to think and what not. I really wish people would stop asking me those questions because the sooner they did, then the sooner I could get over Jayy.

"I would be fine, but everybody keeps asking me the same questions over and over again. Are you okay? How are you feeling? How are you holding up? What happened? I just wish that it would all stop. I can't get over Jayy if everybody keeps talking about him!" Andy nodded his head, ushering me towards the ride since everybody ahead of us had moved forward in line.

"Are you ready for a world of hurt?" he asked smirking at me. I gave him a confused look when i realized that I was on the side that would get squished.

"Oh shit," I muttered as he locked us in. I gave him a playful glare before the ride started moving. He laughed evilly as we started to spin faster.

"Get ready!" Andy yelled as we started to really spin. I squeezed my eyes shut, waiting for the hard impact of his body. But to be honest, I don't know what I was so worried about, it's not like he's huge or anything. Yeah he's tall, but he's tall and lanky, well, a muscular kind of lanky. I laughed out loud as he started yelling every time we would stop in front of the people waiting in line.

"What the hell are you doing?" I laughed as he put his arm around me to wave at certain people.

"I'm saying HELLO!" he yelled in my ear, causing me to laugh even harder than before. 

"Andy, shut the fuck up," I said giggling while he faked being hurt. After the ride was over Andy just about begged me to go on the only batman ride at this park. I agreed, not too willingly as it was in the shape of the bat and had the circle around it as well. A.K.A lots of loops. I get really dizzy really easily.

"Here we go!" Andy yelled as we went down the first dip. I screamed so loud i probably made everybody around me deaf. After a few loops and dips I had lost my voice and my stomach had dropped to my feet. I was paralyzed the rest of the ride.

"Amy, it's time to get off, c'mon lets go on the next ride!" Andy said giddily like an excited child. I slowly stood up, following slowly behind Andy as he got in line for the next ride.  He hadn't seemed to notice that anything was wrong so I told him I was gonna sit this one out. I let out a breath, watching as he got on the DISCO. He waved at me as he sat down, jumping when the bar hit his back. I laughed at him, watching as he spun around, his hair flying everywhere. Every time he would come around and see me he would wave, causing me to try and stifle my laughing fit since his hair was all over the place.

"Is this seat taken?" a voice asked from beside me. I didn't bother looking to see who it was, not being in the mood to talk to anybody and shook my head. I felt the heat from their body radiate off of them as they sat down. I continued to watch Andy wave, laughing every time he did.

"Is that your boyfriend?" The man beside me asked. I shook my head no, still ignoring him. "So does that mean your single then?" he asked, still pushing the subject. I ignored him further and got up from the bench with my stuff and walked over to where Andy was getting off.

"Hey, I wasn't done talking to you," the man said, grabbing onto my arm. I whirled around to face him, anger radiating off of me as i stared him down.

"Well I was done talking to you so if you would kindly fuck off, that would be great." I tried to walk away again when he pulled me back, slapping me across the face. I was shocked at first and heard Andy running over to me. I didn't want him or anybody fighting my battles for me though so I twisted the guys arm, putting him into a position so he was kneeling on the ground in pain.

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