Chapter 15: Ask the question?

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Chapter 15: Ask the question?

"You know who we should play with who is just as good as i am at zombies on the buried map? No offense to you guys or anything just saying, we should play with my newest best friend Sarita!" I said excitedly, pulling out my phone to text her.

To Sarita<3: Hey, you want to play buried on Xbox with Andy, Storm and I?

From Sarita<3: Sure, but who's storm?

To Sarita<3: Ashley's girlfriend, just met her today, GET ONLINE! I'M GOING TO ADD YOU TO OUR GAME!

From Sarita<3: Okay okay, give me a minute, Oli is wanting to spend time with me so, I'll just get him to hang out with me, while I kill zombies c;

I laughed and put away my phone, inviting her to the game.

"And now we wait. I swear she's good!" I laughed, smiling over at Andy. Storm laughed from the other end of the mic and Andy chuckled at me, shaking his head as he looked at the screen.

"Hey, she joined." I looked at the screen and saw that she did indeed join.

"Let's go to game chat so we only hear what we're saying and just in case somebody does join our party, we won't have to listen to them." Andy nodded and Storm agreed, switching over to game chat.

"Heyy," I heard Sarita's voice echo through he headset and then some whispers and giggles from the other side. Probably Oli saying something funny to her.

"Hey! Ready to kill some fuckers?" I asked, smirking at Andy. He just laughed and scooted closer to me on the bean bag chair I was sitting on.

"Yes!" I heard Oli yell from in the background, causing all of us to burst into a fit of giggles.  

For the next about roughly 3 hours, we shot zombies and witches, switching over to multiplayer eventually to get some real competition.

"Why is your name XxBlondey888 if your not even blonde?" Andy asked laughing.(And yes that is my actual xbox live name)

"I made it when I was younger and blonde. What, should i rename it blueberry now that I have blue hair?" i asked laughing. He laughed along with me as we shut off the Xbox. Sarita and Storm had gotten offline to go hang out with their boyfriends so Andy and I just played without them until we finally got bored.

"So, what do you want to do now?" he asked, looking at me with those gorgeous blue eyes of his. Wait, what? Amy stop. He probably has a girlfriend that I don't know about and plus, I just got out of a relationship with my own boyfriend. I shook the thoughts from my head and stood up, walking to the kitchen. Andy picked me and ran over the couch with me. I laughed when he set me down on the couch but he just gave me a serious look.

"What?" I asked, I didn't have any of my scars showing, and even if i did so what, it's not any of his business to know what I like to do in my spare time.

"You feel a lot lighter than i remember.." he said suspiciously. My face drained of all it's color and i sat up to face him.

"Thanks?" I said laughing slightly, trying to play it off as nothing.

"Amy, you feel like, really light. Do you even eat?" he asked. Shit. By now i knew that he was catching on. But i had finally reached my goal weight, so i could eat whatever  I wanted now as long as I worked out to maintain it.

"Yeah I do, even ask Tony, he eats breakfast every morning with me." It was true, Jaime or Vic would make breakfast and i would share with Tony. He nodded, satisfied with my answer and put his head in my lap.

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