Chapter 4: Panic

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Chapter 4: Panic

How lucky am I, to be in the presence of a fellow fallen angel. Like, words cannot even describe how I am feeling at this moment. I didn't think they would be an opening act, I mean, they are super famous just like Pierce the Veil, so why would they just be an opening act? Am I dreaming? No. Stop. I really don't need to freak them out when I just met them.

Well, I must be the dumbest person in the world because what did I do? I did what I do best. I ran, all the way back to the tour bus, through all the fans and past the security guards and to the bathroom of the bus and just sat there, feeling numb, with no emotion what so ever. Basically I was feeling like a robot at this moment, I should be alone for awhile since Andy doesn't know who I am so he obviously doesn't care, Vic and everybody else has to preform so at least I have some time to think.

"Why do I always have to run, I mean I know it's always just been a natural instinct, but still. God I'm so stupid... STUPID!" I whispered to myself, getting louder by the end, pulling at my hair and pacing around the bus, "God, why, why me?" I asked to no one in general and walked to the bathroom, looking at my reflection in the mirror, "This is not me, this isn't me, no, this can't be me..." I whispered to the tired looking girl in the mirror, I tugged and pulled at my hair and skin, sighing finally giving up and trying to convince myself otherwise. I took one look at my makeup bag and shook my head violently at my reflection, "No, don't you dare, don't you dare even THINK ABOUT IT. It has been a solid week, my goal is a month and I will succeed. Do you understand?" I asked sternly pointing at myself. I nodded once more before leaving the bathroom and shutting the door.

I walked to the front of the bus, sighing in content as I sat down on the couch, staring outside at all the fans, waiting to see their idols. I smiled as I realized that used to be me, waiting at the head of the line, hoping to meet just one of them, if only I knew that I would be living with them some day.

I walked back to the bunks pulling out a ratty old stuffed panda. I sat at the very back, cradling it in my arms as I took in the scenery around me. "You should be proud of me, I don't think I've ever done this well in awhile." I stated, holding up the panda as I spoke to it. I closed my eyes, curling up on the couch, having the panda wrapped up in my arms, I could have sworn I hear somebody whisper that they were indeed proud of me, as I let the blanket of darkness cover me.


"Dude, hand me my phone, I have to take a picture of this!"

"Shh! No dude she will seriously kick your ass."

"She looks harmless, I mean c'mon, look how tiny she is! She couldn't hurt a fly, what makes you believe that one simple photo could make her turn violent enough to kick my ass? I mean look at how tiny she is compared to me!"

"Dude, you don't know her as well as I do, when we were kids, if I even once insulted batman, she would like, football tackle me!"

"But you were kids then! Here, I am going to go get my phone, don't wake her up, it really isn't that hard of a task, okay?"

I heard some shuffling and then big footsteps stomping out of the room. What were they talking about, taking a picture oh. Now I understand; their going to take a picture of me sleeping with my panda. Oh no. I don't think so. When I heard the footsteps come back into the room and unlock their phone I decided I would give him a warning beforehand.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," I said, hopefully scaring him.

"Did you guys wake her up?!" a chorus of no's and I didn't do it crowed the silent room. I sat up rubbing my eyes. I opened my eyes to see who the guilty culprit was, but wasn't expecting to not only see Pierce the Veil standing there, But now Black Veil Brides too. I swear my heart just dropped to my stomach at the sight.

"Hey, your Amy right? My names Ashley, that's Jinxx, that's Jake, that's Andy, and that over there would be CC," I nodded my head, not being able to form words at the moment. I must look like some mute or something right now. Ashley just nodded his head awkwardly, moving aside, giving me a clear view of the front of the bus.

Without any hesitation I ran to the bathroom, locking myself inside. Deep breaths Amy, breath in, breath out, in, and out. Just don't fall to temptation. Don't do it, stay strong. I looked in the mirror, staring at my reflection.

"Amy, the other guys left, its just me, Mike, Tony and Jamie, please come out, we just want to help you, please, just talk to me?" Vic pleaded from outside the door. I took a deep breath before dragging the razor across my skin. The cool metal felt blissful against my skin. I had been itching to cut for awhile now, but could never bring myself to break my promise to myself.

"I'll be out in just a minute Vic," I replied, hoping to not upset him too much. I could hear him sigh in content and move away from the door, probably to wait for me.

I finished up with the razor before cleaning up the cuts and exiting the bathroom. The guys were all at the front of the bus when I exited to I took the time to go to the bunks, grabbing a Black Veil Brides sweatshirt to cover up the most recent cuts. I smiled at Andy's face on the sweatshirt and walked to the front of the bus, preparing for the bombarding of questions, probably soon to come.

{Okay, sorry if this chapter was boring for any of you, I didn't know what to write, whereas Let me love you I already have it all written out, I am just lazy and decide not to write/update sometimes. So im sorry for that. But if you have something you want to say about this chapter please do comment or even message me, I always respond to messages, and if you enjoyed this chapter, please do vote.!Cx love you guys!<3}

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