Chapter 6: Love & Pain

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Chapter 6: Love & Pain

"Amy, Amy! Amy wake the fuck up!" I heard somebody shouting. I shot up in bed, regretting it as soon as I did; I hit my head on the top of the bunk, hard.

"Ow! Mother fucking fucker of fucks!" I shouted, holding my head in my hands, holding back the tears threatening to spill over.

"Language!" Vic yelled from the front of the bus.

"Hey Vic, you might want to come back here and take a look at this while I uh, while I go and call a doctor..." Mike said, standing up away from my bunk and walking towards the front with Vic. I dragged myself out of my bunk and trudged to the bathroom to further inspect my head.

"Holy shit!" I yelled as I took my hands away from my head. Vic walked in and clapped his hands over his mouth.

"Jesus Christ Amy! What did you do?" Vic yelled, holding my head in his hands, looking at the damage I had caused to my head.

"I didn't do anything, Mike tried to wake me up, very rudely might I add, and I shot up in bed, hitting my head on the top of the bunk," I explained.

"Well, I don't think you'll need stitches, and we can't get a doctor since were on the road, so we'll just patch it up and have a doctor check up on you once we reach the next stadium, okay?" I nodded my head to the best of my ability, since Vic still held my head in his hands.

"Hey Vic! I found a first aid kit that we could use to patch up her head!" Tony yelled from the front of the bus.

"Great, bring it here Tony!" Vic called back. I smiled slightly at how his voice sounded. All parental like and demanding. My parents never once sounded like that, well, the demanding part yes but not parental like. They sounded scary and demanding and just flat out mean.

I smiled to myself as Vic and Tony worked on patching up my head. I've never really had anybody care for or about me, except for me. But now here I am, surrounded by people who actually want to help me. Maybe I shouldn't try to fight them and instead... let them in? But now all at once, that would just be too overwhelming. I will do it one at a time, simple yet effective.

As soon as Tony left the bathroom and Vic was about to leave, I pulled him back so I could talk to him, "Hey Vic?"

"Yeah Amy?" Vic said, worry etching itself on his face almost immediately.

"Well, uh, there's something I need to tell you. And I just feel that if I'm going to be living with you on the bus, then I need to be honest with you."

"Okay, carry on?" Vic sat down on the floor while I sat on the toilet.

"Well, the best way for you to learn about this is from me, not by you accidentally seeing it or something bad. And I want to tell all of you, just, not all at once."

"So, like one by one at your own pace?" Vic asked, clasping his hands together while he fiddled with his thumbs.

"Yeah, well. There isn't any easy way to say this so I'm going to just come out and say it," I took a deep breath before lifting up my sleeve to show him the tally marks I had etched onto my skin the day before.

He immediately grabbed onto my arm gently, holding it in his hands. He examined my arm before looking up at me with misty eyes, "When did you do this?" His voice cracked at the end and he sounded so... distressed and worried.

"Y-yesterday w-when Black Veil Brides came o-on the b-bus and I ran I-in the bathroom. I-I got a panic a-attack yesterday and I j-just didn't know h-how to c-cope, I-I'm so sorry Vic," I sobbed, clutching my arm to my chest.

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