Chapter 13: Tattoo's and Piercings

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Chapter 13: Tattoo's and Piercings

As Jaime, Tony, Sarita and I all pulled up the tattoo shop, my heart started to beat faster.

"Did your tattoo's hurt?" I asked, turning to all of them. Jaime and Tony just shook their heads 'no'. I turned and looked at Sarita to hear her opinion since Jaime and Tony weren't making me feel any better right now.

"Well to be honest, it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. It feels, more like when you go to an old house and an old nail sticking out of the wall scratches you, but multiple times. What are you going to get anyways? I can tell you which will be the most painful."

"Well, I wanted to get wings on my back, on my wrist a dream cater and then on my side a feather with the birds flying off of it. Which one of them would hurt the most out of all of them?"

"Well, dream catcher the least, probably side and back equal because they both go over your bones."

"What if I got the feather thing on my stomach?"

"Then I would think that would be less painful," Tony added. I smiled at them, nodding my head, deep in thought.

"I think I want to get my piercings done first..." I stated, wondering how much they would hurt now. They nodded, letting me do what I would need to do.

"Hello and welcome to Tattoo yourself and Body piercings, how may I help you? Oh and I'm Britney," a blonde girl said from across the counter. She had tattoos up and down her arms and spider bites.

"Um, hi, I need to get some piercings and tattoos?" I said, sounding a little unsure. She smiled, nodding and leading me to a back room.

"So what are you looking to do first?" she asked kindly. I thought for a second, debating on what I should do first.

"Could I get uhm, a nose ring and snake bites? the ring ones?" I asked, hoping she wouldn't think I was crazy.

"Sure thing and then, you said you wanted tattoos, can you tell me what you want now so I can get my artist to work on it?"

{sorry I've never gotten a tattoo or snakebites, I've only gotten my nose pierced so, sorry if you've gotten a tattoo and this isn't how they actually do it haha}

I told her what I was looking for and she nodded, dashing out of the room quickly, leaving me to my thoughts.

"Are you nervous?" Tony asked, eyeing me cautiously. I nodded my head, finally letting it sink in that this was actually happening. Tony came over to me, rubbing my back and holding my hand. Britney came back in the room with a cart full of the sterile needles and such.

"Okay, are you ready?" she asked, cleaning off my nose first. I nodded my head slowly, making the least amount of movement possible. She stuck a long thin needle in my nose first, bringing tears to my eyes. It didn't really hurt all that much, it just made my eyes water for some unknown reason. She pulled it out, replacing it with the ring. Next she did my snake bites. Those hurt a lot more than the nose ring. I mean they are putting a hole in your lip for crying out loud!

"Alright, your piercings are done, now do you know how your supposed to clean them?" she asked, handing me two bottles of piercing cleaner. I nodded my head, having experience from my ears. She smiled, nodding and left the room to probably get ready for my tattoos. I took a deep breath, smiling a small smile since my lips were still sore when I caught a glimpse of my new look in the mirror.

 "So, what do you think?" Tony asked, a smile tugging on his lips. I smiled a little wider, ignoring the pain as I looked over at him.

"I seriously am in love with them. Like, ah i feel so complete with them" I laughed. They all laughed along with me as the girl came back into the room with the sketches of my tattoos.

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